
Your Weekly Horoscopes Are Here: January 5th – January 12th

New year, new you!

If you celebrate your birthday this week:


Your Year Ahead

If money’s been a ongoing battle, you’ll love this year.  At the same time, your usual discipline disappears.  While you’re happy spending on others, you’re likely to do the same for yourself.  Don’t feel guilty – you deserve it.  The cosmos sends sensual thoughts through your relationship sector.  If coupled, find time to rekindle any dying embers.  Family commitments still beckon, but you can balance both.  


Aries (March 21 – April 20)


Best Day: Sunday 7th

Work keeps you busy though there may be temptations on offer.  You could be presented with a get-rich-quick scheme that seems too good to be true. You’re right – it is. Be careful of who’s doing the offering.  Go with your instincts and dismiss dodgy ideas.


Taurus (April 21 – May 20)


Best Day:  Thursday 11th

Months of uncertainty finally end.  You now realise that you don’t need to please everyone.  You may have to say goodbye to some, but you also know that it’s time to move on.  It doesn’t take tenacious Taureans long to rise above setbacks and start again.  Expect changes.


Gemini (May 21 to June 21)


Best Day:  Saturday 6th

As crucial as it is to be in control of your own power, don’t take it too far.  There’s little point in intimidating others into submission, as this will only intensify resistance.  Hold tight to what’s most important, but instead of coercion – try compromise.  Usually does the trick.


Cancer (June 22 – July 22)


Best Day: Monday 8th

Success is possible, Cancer.  For starters – you’re inspired, so you have plenty of ingenious ideas. Next, you have a truckload of energy, which you want to put to good use. More importantly, this week – you’re a true die-hard.  Anyone else would have given up by now.


Leo (July 23 – August 23)


Best Day: Friday 5th

A strong urge to help others could find you involved with a voluntary role, in turn, enables you to gain a better sense of purpose.  But suppress any desires to be the leader – you can’t always be in charge.  Instead, use this new year to put a stalled career plan back into action.


Virgo (August 24 – September 22)


Best Day:  Sunday 7th

This week partnerships are heavily emphasised. Should negative circumstances exist in any of your alliances, it’s a time of increased pressure to resolve disagreements. You may also be concerned with legal matters, negotiations or the income of a relative.  If in doubt, seek professional advice.

Libra (September 23 – October 23)

Best Day:  Thursday 11th


This week calls for some special “me” time, but a needy friend could try to derail your solo plans. Don’t let them, Libra  Allow for some serious down-time, or you won’t be any good to anyone, including yourself.  Deny this need, and you’ll be tetchy and resentful.  That’s no fun.  


Scorpio (October 24 – November 22)

Best Day: Friday 5th


Your intuition is clear, so act accordingly.  Settle any conflicts and let go of deadwood.  You’ll be amazed at how much lighter your life will feel.  A new opportunity may arise – one with incredible potential.  Granted, you still have to keep working, but in a happier headspace.  


Sagittarius (November 23 – December 21)

Best Day: Saturday 6th


Despite recent difficulties, important goals are edging nearer.  If trying to lose weight, boredom could be your worst enemy – so avoid snack attacks by keeping on the go.  Exercise, too.  At work, you get a chance to follow your dreams – and perhaps your heart.


Capricorn (December 22 – January 20)

Best Day:  Tuesday 9th


It’s a good week to take a look at your aims and ambitions.  But something’s not quite right, which has you second guessing your decisions.  Best solution: lay the groundwork but don’t make any fixed plans.  Matters are best left in the melting pot for the time being.  


Aquarius (January 21 – February 18)

Best Day:  Wednesday 10th


You might want to put some space between yourself and a barrage of conflicting opinions. This week asks Aquarians to be smarter in their decision making, especially when it comes to business or purchases. If you need help, ask a friend or colleague.


Pisces (February 19 – March 20)

Best Day:  Tuesday 9th


It’s time you crushed the wallflower within, Pisces.  If feeling shy, let the cosmos take your hand.  This week is gentle on your soul and open with introductions.  You need this.  You need to luxuriate in others’ love and nurturing.  In time, you’ll return the favour.  

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