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Stay At Home Mum Depression Is Real, And Women Are Finally Talking About it

A discussion has finally begun on the mental health challenges that accompany raising children as a full-time job.

Last week, TODAY USA published an article on the quietly pervasive condition known as โ€˜stay-at-home-mum depressionโ€™, which in turn, sparked a huge social media movement prompting a discussion into the mental health challenges that come along with raising children as a full-time job. 


The frank essay, written by Megan Powell โ€“ a 32-year-old mother of five responsible for the blog Mommaโ€™s Tired โ€“ perfectly relayed the day-to-day reality for many.

From running a household while simultaneously raising children to having to endure comments on how relaxing and nice it must be to not have to go to work. 

RELATED: Why Depression And Anxiety During Pregnancy Is On The Rise

Powell managed to put a name to the helpless, panicky feeling that kicks in when you โ€œbegin to believe that you exist only to help others existโ€.

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(Credit: Getty)

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Just like postpartum depression, stay-at-home-mum depression can be triggered by external factors, major life changes or even a shift in hormones. The leading cause, however, is stress. 

โ€œStress exacerbates any condition, mental health or otherwise,โ€ Melinda Paige, a professor of clinical mental health counselling, told Glamour


The life of a stay-at-home is rife with triggers. 

As Powell suggests, isolation, loss of purpose or identity, and lack of social interaction with fellow adults, can all play a role in the development of depression. 

The complication with motherโ€™s who choose to stay home, though, is that they are often overlooked because not having to go to work everyday is viewed as a privilege. 

In short, a woman or man is considered lucky. 


This often makes it uncomfortable to come forward and ask for help. 

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(Credit: Getty)

Powell is being praised for putting a name to the phenomenon and helping legitimise the issue. 

If you, or anyone you know, is seeking help contact Beyond Blue on 1300 22 4636. 


RELATED: How Do I Combat Depression? 

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