We shared their ups and their downs, cried when they cried and laughed when they laughed.
Here are the 15 Gilmore Girls events we wish we could have attended.

1. Stars Hollow Annual Winter Carnival
Just ask Swami the dog about your future
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2. Little Laney’s wedding
Remember the bachelorette party?
“Hey, I am a fanatic audiophile. That comes with responsibilities that a grounding doesn’t alter”

3. The Spring Fling
That Hay Bale Maze has us running in circles – kind of like Luke and Lorelai, no?
4. Firelight Festival
We would love to celebrate the founding of Stars Hollow with Mrs Patty’s punch!
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5. The Old Muddy River Bridge Knitathon
We would need some serious training before the Knitathlon
6. 24 hour Stars Hallow Dance Marathon
Themed costume, check! Dancing shoes, ugh check!

7. Bid on a Basket
Step one: make a basket of treats
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Step two: Hot male bids on basket
Step three: Share basket with winning male
Why has no one else tried this?
8. Movie night in the Square
We wouldn’t change a thing, except maybe showing the same movie every year

9. The Easter egg hunt
Chocolate or poached?
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10. Sookie and Jackson’s wedding
Day dreaming of the food they would serve!

11. Snowman Building Contest
Queue Disney’s Frozen music
12. Lane’s baby shower
We would love to be wheeled around in a big bed all day
13. Max and Lorelai’s Engagement Party
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The engagement was short and sweet, kind of like the little ballerinas dressed in wedding dresses
14. Lorelai’s Birthday

15. Every Town Meeting
We would religiously attend the Stars Hallow town meetings with our pajamas on and the popcorn at the ready – Wait, didn’t Lorelai already do that?!

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