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February Horoscopes: What’s In The Stars For You This Month?

With the new moon, just make sure you’re ready for take-off.

As we embrace the slightly warmer weather of February, the final month of summer, we can’t help but feel that things are heating up. This month is all about acceleration, moving forwards, towards a greater goal.


Here, we share what the stars have in store for each star sign this month.



The new moon in your sign on February 10 marks a rare opportunity for a fresh start. It’s a once-a-year chance to steer your life in a new direction. The possibilities are endless, whether it’s a promising new relationship, seizing a job opportunity, or new networking connections. Hit the reset button on your finances, too.

Where you focus your energy, results will follow. Your charisma is off the charts, with Mars and Venus aligning in your sign this month. Singles attract dates like bees to honey, while couples explore a taboo topic in the bedroom.


POWER DAYS February 10, 13, 17



February kicks off your birthday season! It’s like your personal new year, where the sun creates new trends for the year ahead. The intentions you set now are like cosmic blueprints for the next 12 months.

Positive rituals or strong affirmations will help you attract what you truly desire. Around February 23, when Mercury joins your sign, expect a lightbulb moment or an epiphany. It could be a missing puzzle piece. Relationship wise, la luna introduces a love match during a serene, solitary moment. For couples, accepting your flaws forges a deeper connection with your partner.


POWER DAYS February 19, 23, 28, 29



February’s new moon casts fresh eyes on a friendship. Maybe you’ve been too critical, or they haven’t stepped up when you needed them most. By mid- month, you’ll feel more in charge of the situation when Mars lends you extra backbone.

Pisces season from February 19 gets you buzzing with creative ideas – unleash your inner artist without apology. Towards the end of the month, the full moon re-examines your health goals. Fortify your diet with superfoods or try something wildly different, like aerial yoga or ice baths. La luna green-lights anything that makes you feel amazing in your own skin.


POWER DAYS February 7, 13, 20



On February 13, Mars brings a wake-up call for your work ambitions. Still, while assertiveness is crucial, avoid overstepping with your boss – enthusiastic is good, reckless, not so much. The office suddenly seems full of romantic possibilities for single Bulls. I

t’s fun to fantasise about but tread lightly. Office romances are tricky and you don’t want to attract gossip. As for loved-up pairs, February’s full moon makes everything more magical, like those cheesy but heartwarming rom-com scenes. Embrace the big feels and make beautiful memories under that bright moonlight.


POWER DAYS February 8, 17, 27



Mercury hands you a new set of skills this month. You’ll be sharp as a tack, quickly picking up new information. Use this not just for your own advantage but to help others, too. There’s something very rewarding about sharing what you’ve learnt.

From February 19, the sun spotlights high-reaching goals, and one in particular deserves to take centrestage. Gemini, this is no time for modesty. Your talents and efforts are ready to be seen and admired. The latter half of February is your golden ticket. Go after that dream with everything you’ve got.


POWER DAYS February 5, 17, 23



La luna spotlights a joint financial venture with a friend or acquaintance. Though it holds promise, remember that blending business with friendship requires crystal-clear boundaries. Express what’s on your mind and in your heart when the moon ripens in your communication zone.

You can be enigmatic, Cancer, but you’ll get further by being straightforward. Saying what you mean and meaning what you say clarifies your intentions and earns you respect. By February |24, you’ll be understood and appreciated on a whole new level.


POWER DAYS February 10, 19, 24



Single? With Mars and the new moon in your relationship zone, brace yourself for a dazzling social whirlwind. You are in your element, glowing with gorgeousness and being noticed. In

a relationship? Mid-month brings a dash of drama, but it’s nothing a cool head and a warm heart can’t handle. Sometimes a spark of feistiness can reignite that flame rather than cause a burn. On the financial front, the sun gets crafty with your cash.


You’ve got a bit extra to play with, but don’t go overboard. Mixing a little indulgence with some savings savvy is the key to this month’s financial uptick.

POWER DAYS February 8, 28, 29



Mercury hits the reset button if you’ve been partying too hard recently or treating every meal like Christmas dinner. It’s all about finding a routine that doesn’t feel like a chore. How about spicing up your diet with fun, nutritious recipes that taste delicious, and discovering a workout that excites you? And don’t forget to check in


with your headspace, too. A little mindfulness or gratitude journalling at the start or end of your day can be a game changer. Embracing small but positive changes can turn what feels like a mundane routine into a revitalising lifestyle.

POWER DAYS 5, 23, 24, 28



Whether you’re flying solo or part of a loved-up duo, Venus and Mars inspire meaningful connection by mid-month. Think less about grand gestures and more about genuine, shared experiences where you can be yourself. On February 22 your creative juices are flowing. Channel your talents into painting, drawing or even sculpting. But creativity isn’t one-size-fits-all.


So, if you’re more into digital artistry, like graphic design, dive into that. The sun and Mercury are on a mission to boost your wellbeing in the latter part of the month. Can’t hit the gym? Stay in shape with energetic housework or a dance-off in your lounge room.

POWER DAYS 7, 17, 27



Venus inspires a home makeover but there’s no need to break the bank. Simple, vibrant touches like fresh flowers or plush cushions can uplift your space affordably. If you’ve got extra cash to splash, why not turn it into something beautiful?


Investing in artwork isn’t just about owning something pretty, it’s about finding a piece that speaks to you and adds a unique story to your space. The new moon on February 10 mends fences with a friend or family member. Use this time to find common ground to rebuild connections and get back on track.

POWER DAYS February 2, 17, 29



February’s new moon powers up your voice. Speak up on a meaningful, personal or global issue, and others will feel the weight of your words. Now is the time to make a stand and be heard. As the month progresses, the full moon spotlights your career, challenging you to juggle professional goals with family commitments.


It’s like being in the middle of an important meeting but knowing your child’s school play is the same night. La luna reminds you that family comes first, and choosing to be there for them isn’t a setback but a reaffirmation of what’s truly important.

POWER DAYS February 4, 25, 27



The sun’s got your back, especially if you’re hustling for your business or personal brand. Ever thought of upskilling with a social media course? This could be your golden ticket to really shine online.


The new moon on February 10 brings a wave of fresh ideas and a strategy reboot for your digital presence. Switching gears to matters of the heart, Venus reminds you of your core values. If you’re single, you’ll likely meet someone who wants the same things you do. Taken? Enrich your relationship by tackling a DIY home project together or diving into a shared passion.

POWER DAYS February 6, 7, 29

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