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‘The Bachelorette’s’ Pascal Reportedly Had a Secret Girlfriend While Appearing On The Series

More tea, please ☕

The Bachelorette’s Pascal Wallace certainly made an impression in his short time vying for Elly and Becky Miles’ hearts, especially considering his minimal screen time. 

The 33-year-old was sent packing by the country sisters following accusations he had told the other men in the mansion, ‘Could they find hotter chicks?’ 

Following his exit from the franchise, the real reason behind his departure was revealed. According to The Washan insider source came forward to claim Pascal was unknowingly pushed into the “trouble-maker” role by producers, and the entire storyline was fabricated while he was trying to leave the series to return to work. 

“Pascal was planning on quitting alongside Harry [Harris] as he felt nothing for Elly or Becky, but producers heard whispers about this before he was able to. It’d have been too embarrassing to have three guys walk after Ab [Sow],” the source revealed. “So at first they turned the other guys against him—which then got the ball rolling for all that followed.”

The source continued, saying: “Everything started when some of the guys ordered cigarettes on their weekly shopping budget, and Pascal laughed that he wondered what Elly and Becky would think about them secretly smoking around the mansion.”

Now, everyone’s go-to podcast for Bachie drama has added even more tea to the mix. 

Set to appear as a guest on the So Dramatic! podcast, Pascal couldn’t make it and instead provided a statement claiming his exit came after he dobbed in other contestants who were smoking cigarettes in the mansion. 


Host Megan Pustetto went even further, claiming Pascal had a “secret girlfriend” that he dumped before filming began. 

“A number of people have come forward to me, claiming that Pascal had a live-in girlfriend who he dumped to go on the show,” the host explains. “One source who knows him on the outside says he was dating this chick before the show, and they were even living together in Bondi. He got on the show, and then dumped her so that he could do it, and told her that he wanted to take a break so she moved out of his place. And then just days later, he was filming The Bachelorette.

According to the podcast, the other men caught wind of this ‘secret girlfriend’ and it became a hot topic of conversation in the mansion. 

However, Pascal has set the record straight, releasing a statement to the podcast saying that the relationship was “nothing serious.” 

“She moved into my Bondi mansion during COVID for two months, the relationship ended as I was invited on the show, but also coincided with her moving out, which was always the plan,” Pascal told So Dramatic! “We are still good friends and have the utmost respect for each other. I was single, during the show. It was a storm in a teacup.”

The Bachelorette Australia continues Wednesdays and Thursdays at 7:30pm on Network 10.

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