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People Are (Rightfully So) Confused About ‘The Bachelor’s’ Zoe-Clare Giving An Impassioned Speech On Being A “Red Head”

"Wait till this red headed girl finds out what it's like to be the only person of colour in the room"

It’s the formula we’ve come to expect from The Bachelor franchise, especially in its premiere episodes: the inevitable ‘villain’ edit. 


As Locky Gilbert’s season kicked off tonight and 20-something ladies headed to the red carpet to meet the Bachie for the first time, we waited in anticipation to see just who would be quickly branded as this year’s “bad guy.”

But while past examples have included the likes of Keira Maguire from Richie Strahan’s season, and Cat Henesy, Romy Poulier and Alisha Aitken-Radburn from Nick ‘Honey Badger’ Cummins’ season, the newest villain edit came in the form of an unexpected tantrum. 

As soon as Zoe-Clare left the limo and the music switched from romantic to rock-and-roll, we knew they had arrived. 

Describing herself as a “loud, blunt and fiery redhead,” Zoe-Clare told producers, “I think the girls in this house are going to realise very quickly that I’m not going to stand for much. I will be calling people on their rubbish, don’t interrupt me when I’m having a conversation, don’t come at me for no reason.” 


And boy, was that some foreshadowing. 

When Locky enters the mansion after meeting his prospective bachelorettes, Zoe-Clare asks to take him for a chat. While engaging in that said conversation, or as Zoe-Clare says their “vibe”, Areeba comes to sit down and join – only she doesn’t say a word. 

Reluctantly, Zoe-Clare leaves the two alone to have some one-on-one time and what happens next can only be described as one of the most bizarre Bachie meltdowns we’ve seen. 

“I am the only redhead in the house, and that’s why Areeba is targeting me,” Zoe-Clare tells the producers. “It’s not appropriate.” 


So let us get this right: Zoe-Clare thinks that Areeba decided to interrupt her and Locky’s chat because she has red hair? 

A teary-eyed Zoe-Clare later tells producers she doesn’t want to go through this experience being “different” or singled out for the colour of her “goddamn hair.” 

She adds, “They way women and men with red hair are treated…needs to end now.”

Here’s what people had to say: 


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