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Kit Harrington Spills The Beans On His Final ‘Game Of Thrones’ Scene EVER

"No one I’ve spoken to has guessed the actual ending"

As we hurtle towards the final episode (ever) of Game of Thrones, the HBO hit show’s cast is opening up about their final days of shooting. Preparing to farewell his character Jon Snow, Kit Harrington has opened up about keeping the biggest secret in TV history and why he doesn’t completely “trust” showrunners David Benioff and D.B. Weiss won’t pull an expected twist that no one will see coming. 

Speaking to InStyle, Harrington says season eight’s six episodes took nine months to film. “You’d come in for a week and be off for two weeks. But I was there the whole time this year. I barely left Belfast. For the last couple of seasons I’ve done more days than anyone else because of the nature of my character. There are just a lot of the battles and the action sequences.”

GOT isn’t known for delivering a warm and fuzzy conclusion – if you’re expecting a happy ending, you’re watching the wrong show. Nonetheless, fans are outraged with how the season has played out so far with over 300,000 people signing a petition to have it scrapped altogether. 

The 32-year-old has a different point-of-view, adding: “I still don’t trust that the ending that was written down is the actual ending,” Harington says wryly. “I think they kept it from all of us. The secrecy this year was just huge.” At the same time, he teases, “No one I’ve spoken to has guessed the actual ending. No one has got it right yet.” 

And what of that last scene?  “It was a beautifully weighted ending,” the English-born star told InStyle. “Then it was like, ‘OK, I’m actually done with this show. I love it. It’s my pride and joy, and it’s been a pleasure to be a part of it, but I’m done.’ ” 

This article originally appeared on InStyle. 

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