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Apparently, Lisa Hyde Will Be The Next Bachelorette

The official announcement is just hours away

She’s tried to find love on both The Bachelor and Bachelor in Paradise, but Lisa Hyde must be hoping for a case of third time lucky. Widely circulating reports suggest she’s about to be confirmed as Australia’s next Bachelorette, after her relationship with Luke McLeod fell apart after filming.


According to the Daily Telegraph, the 30-year-old Brisbane-based fashion designer has accepted one last chance of reality TV match-making, with The Project thought to be announcing her new role tonight, the Daily Mail reports.

Throughout her TV career so far, Lisa has remained a firm favourite with viewers, beloved for her down-to-earth demeanour and – surprising for a show like The Bachelor – lack of lip fillers.

If the news is true, Lisa has proved expert at putting us all off the scent. Speaking to marie claire after she left Paradise, she dismissed suggestions she’d go on another reality dating show. “I think I need to find someone the old-fashioned way,” she told us. “Someone more authentic.”


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