
Emma Stone’s personal trainer spills her exercise secrets

Strong is the new skinny

As anyone with a dancer’s background knows, it isn’t enough to be incredibly svelte – you also need to be strong.


So it’s no surprise that Emma Stone enlisted the services of a personal trainer to help her prepare for her award-winning dance numbers in La La Land.

Who’d she call? None other than PT to the stars Jason Walsh of Rise Nation Studio. The LA-based trainer (fun fact: last year he dated Hilary Duff) counts Matt Damon, Irina Shayk and Jennifer Aniston as clients and has championed a new form of movement that puts climbing front and centre.

But his exercise essential is – unfortunately for anyone with an aversion to heavy weights – dead lifting.


According to Walsh, “the deadlift and variations of the deadlift” are key to any and all workouts. “It’s a complex movement that incorporates every major muscle group working together,” he told Healthista. “It’s very important.”

Here’s Emma Stone proving his point:


For Walsh, “cardio comes secondary.” He tells Healthista: “If strength training is done right, you get plenty of cardio from lifting as well.”

As far as diet is concerned, Walsh limits his intake of sugar and carbs wherever possible, preferring healthy fats as an energy source.

“You could lose 10lbs immediately just from cutting out sugar,” he says. “I limit all sugars and I add UDO’s Choice Oil to food daily for essential fats.”


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