
There Is A Chocolate That Will Fix Your Period Pain

This just sounds way too good to be true!

We all feel it at least once a month โ€“ the painful cramps, the moodiest of moods, but strongest of all, the insatiable craving for kilos upon kilos of chocolate.


But often when we do crack into a block of that oh so creamy choc, the result is not a cure for period pain but even more irritability, self-loathing and bloating.

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But alas ladies, that is all about to change.


Swiss chocolate brand, Chocolate With Love, claims to have made a magical block that relieves your ungodly period cramps. The secret? Well the block named โ€˜Frauenmondโ€™ (which translates to โ€˜womenโ€™s moonโ€™) is a combo of our fave dark chocolate and 17 organic medicinal herbs. Although, they havenโ€™t released exactly what these herbs are or if they are even legal in Australiaโ€ฆ

One other slight issue is that the brand has started a crowd-funding campaign to get the chocolate to supermarket shelves with less than $2,000 of their $18,600 target raised so far.

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We are keeping our fingers crossed that they get the funds together and start shipping to Australia within the next 28 daysโ€ฆ


In the meantime, here are some things that have actually been proven to help your period pain:

  • Safe painkillers like paracetamol or a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID)
  • Applying a heat pack
  • Herbal teas, such as cramp bark, or peppermint tea
  • Boosting endorphins, such as through exercise or even orgasm
  • Increase the magnesium in your diet

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