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The Career Advice Every Woman Needs To Know, According To Showpo CEO Jane Lu

"Life is too short to work a job that you hate."

As the brains behind the multi-million dollar fashion e-retailer, Showpo, Jane Lu is easily one of Australia’s most successful business women.


After quitting her stable accounting job, Jane began the company that is now known as Showpo with just two shelves in her parent’s garage.

In just six years, Jane went from unemployed, broke and drowning in debt to being the CEO of one of Australia’s most successful businesses and taking a place on the Forbes rich list.

These days, Showpo’s success has only continued with the retailer makes an annual turnover of over $100 million annually in sales and gaining famous fans like Jennifer Lopez, Eva Longoria and Heidi Klum.

It’s for this reason that Jane’s story continues to inspire those with dreams of starting their own businesses.


With her killer business instincts, wealth of knowledge and incredible successes, we got Jane to answered some of the most asked career questions.

Below, everything Jane has to say to future women in business.

(Credit: Provided )

I Hate My Job. What Should I Do?


Life is too short to work a job you hate!


Growing up I was always working towards getting a great job out of university that provided financial security.

But three years after working as an accountant at one of the biggest global firms, I realised it’s not for me. I didn’t want to be mediocre in a job that I didn’t love.

I started to look at my career trajectory not as financial security but as a prison sentence and I knew that I didn’t want to spend the next 40 years in accounting! 

Whilst it might be short-term pain to leave a job you’re stuck in, I think the best investment you can make is in yourself.


I Want To Start A Business But I’m Scared I’m Going To Fail


15 years ago I took that leap to quit my job and start a business.

That business failed, but it taught me everything I knew about business–it turned out to be the best crash course possible.

Broke, unemployed and unable to get another job as it was in the middle of the 2009 global financial crisis, I had no other options but to start another business. I took the mistakes and learnings and pivoted into another business, and that business was Showpo. 

Time is going past regardless, so you either take the leap and potentially make the best decision of your life or you stay where you are and your life will remain the same.


You need to be ready to take risks and step out of your comfort zone but take calculated risks–don’t over-invest into one decision.

Think of everything as a chance to learn about what works for your business, what your customers want. Test and iterate continuously.

Once you know something works for you, then double down on it! 

How Do I Gain More Confidence As A Business Woman?


Believe in yourself, back yourself and invest in yourself! 


I think one of the biggest challenges women face is actually within. There’s a confidence gap where women question themselves more and don’t have as much confidence as their male counterparts.

This confidence is so important in business–it’s what helps you to drown out that voice in your head giving you imposter syndrome

Except in fundraising, where it’s been known to be harder for women than men to raise capital, I’ve found it easier to be a woman in business rather than in the corporate world, where I could face a glass ceiling (and a bamboo ceiling).

You should also surround yourself with other like-minded women (and men) that can support and uplift you on your business journey.


This is why I co-founded the business group Like Minded Bitches Drinking Wine a community of 170k+ women in business supporting each other in pursuing their dreams.

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