
5 Ways To Feel More Confident

Because everyone needs a bit of a confidence boost sometimes!

Five tips to help you start feeling more confident, starting right now.

  1. Fail fast. Dipping your toe in โ€œfailure watersโ€ and learning to fail โ€“ if only in fast, little, bite-size ways โ€“ is how we learn. โ€œLittle failures are part of success,โ€ says Shipman.
  1. Leave the comfort zone. Taking action, especially when action is risky, builds confidence. You can start small โ€“ anything is better than inaction.
  1. Stop ruminating. Dwelling on the negative and nightmare scenarios is the fastest way to undermine self-confidence. Although you might not be able to always eliminate NATs (Negative Automatic Thoughts), you can begin by acknowledging them. โ€œIt may sound tedious, but keep a journal and write them down,โ€ propose the authors. โ€œThe most effective and surprisingly easy fix is to look for an alternative point of view. Just one different interpretation can open the door for confidence.โ€
  1. Learn to own your triumphs. Stop attributing achievements to chance, and learn to accept compliments. โ€œWhen praised, reply: โ€˜Thank you, I appreciate that.โ€™ Itโ€™s surprising how powerful saying those five words will feel,โ€ say Shipman and Kay.
  1. Meditate. โ€œA calm brain is the ultimate confidence tool,โ€ explain the authors. A brain on meditation is literally rewired. โ€œYour fear centre, the amygdala, shrinks. You have an increased ability to control your emotions and to be clear, and calm, about your goals.โ€

Taken from The Confidence Code: The Science and Art of Self-Assurance โ€“ What Women Should Know by Katty Kay and Claire Shipman.

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