
The 4 Highest Paying Jobs In Australia For 2018

Is it time for a career change?

Your career should first and foremost be about doing what you love, but it doesn’t hurt to get paid the big bucks while doing it.


If you’re looking for a career change into a field that will pay you that cash mulla, then look no further, because the experts at Seek have released a report listing the top 20 highest paying jobs in Australia of 2018.

Before we dive into the winners, we’d like to say very hearty congratulations to all the architects out there because you, my friends, are faring far better than the rest of us.

Here are the top 4 highest paying jobs in Australia:


1. Architects

This does not apply to all architects. The title of highest paid job in Australia goes to the architects who work specifically in the Information & Communication Technology industry who average a very impressive $138,144 yearly salary.

2. Management

If managing is more your style, there are three industries that will reward you with a rather large pay cheque (anywhere between $131,000 – $133,000) for your efforts. Coming in 2nd, 3rd and 4th place on the list are management roles in the following industries (in order): Engineering, Information & Communication Technology and Mining, Resources & Energy.


3. Law Professionals

By far the least surprising career to make it on this list, it is common knowledge that lawyers make a neat sum of cash for their hard-earned efforts. However, some lawyers do earn more than others, and it is General in-house law that comes in at the number 5 spot, with an average yearly salary of $128,988.

4. Accounting


If your job is to handle money, you’re usually making a lot of it. Coming in at 6th and 7th spot (in this order): Strategy & Planning workers (earning $128,373 per year) and Financial Managers & Controllers (earning a yearly salary of $126,906).

From 8th to 18th spot are all management roles in different fields, so if you really want to be raking in the cash go be someone’s manager and you’ll be rolling in it.

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