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You’ll Love Ricky Gervais’ Hilarious Take Down Of Donald Trump

Take that, Trump

Ricky Gervais is the latest in a long line of celebrities to come out against Donald Trump… and he did it in his signature comedic style.


In a piece for The Hollywood Reporter, Gevais noted that somehow Trump gets away with saying terrible things, without any consequences.

“It’s funny, comedians tell a joke and they get in trouble; Donald Trump says a terrible thing and means it, and he gets elected,” Gervais said.

Gervais puts Trump’s political success down to being in the right place at the right time.

“He hit the peak of political correctness, and he’s an antidote to all that. People are tired of being told they can’t say things, so he’s suddenly this poster boy for saying what’s on your mind, however terrible it is.”


There’s no doubt that Trump has gotten away with saying some outrageous things. This is the man that once implied Hillary Clinton isn’t fit for president because of her husband’s actions by Tweeting, “If Hillary Clinton can’t satisfy her husband what makes her think she can satisfy America?”

Gervais is worried about the reality of Trump becoming president. And you know what? So are we.

Via The Hollywood Reporter

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