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Melbourne’s Lockdown Restrictions Are Set To Ease Tonight, Here’s Everything To Know

"The state will be one again"

After one of the world’s longest and harshest lockdowns, Victorian Premier Daniel Andrews has announced major changes to restrictions across the state, announcing that, from 11:59 pm on Tuesday, October 27, restaurants, hotels, cafes and bars will reopen. 


“With zero [new] cases and so much testing over the weekend, not just in the north but across the whole state, we are able to say that now is the time to open up. Now is the time to congratulate every single Victorian for staying the course,” Mr Andrews said.

Below, exactly what’s changing. 

Visiting Friends & Family 

From October 28, visiting people in their homes will be allowed, but specific details further details on visits will be announced at the Premier’s next press conference. 

Andrews said the government needed another day to give Victorians “a clearer sense” of how home visits will work.


“We want to get this right,” he said. “We don’t want to do a bubble because we think that can be a particularly confusing set of arrangements for families, but we haven’t quite settled [on the rules for home visits] yet.”

Outdoor gatherings are still only allowed a limit of 10 people, but they will no longer be limited to just two households. 

“There can be more than two households but the group cannot exceed 10,” Andrews said. “Infants under 12 months are not included in the calculation.”

Retail & Hospitality 

From Wednesday, all retail stores will reopen. Beauty, personal services and tattoo parlours will be allowed to accept customers as long as masks are worn during treatments. 


Hospitality businesses will also be allowed to reopen, as long as all patrons are seated.

A maximum of 20 people applies, provided there are no more than 10 people per space and no more than one person for every 4 square metres.

Outdoor restrictions will be limited to one person per 2 square metres, with a maximum of 50 patrons. Groups will be capped at 10 people, seated 1.5 metres from other groups.


Weddings, Funerals & Religious Gatherings

Weddings will now be allowed up to 10 guests, with funerals allowed capped at 20. 

Indoor religious gatherings will be a maximum of 10 people indoors, or 20 people outdoors, plus one faith leader.

Further Changes On November 8 

More restrictions are set to ease across the state on November 8, with the Premier expected to announce a roadmap for the Christmas period. 

“We know that longer-term roadmap is very important,” Andrews said. “We have to be vigilant in the weeks and months to come. Until a vaccine comes, there is no normal, there is only COVID-19 normal.


“So we need to be proud today, we need to be optimistic, we need to be confident, but we also need to be COVID-safe, and I’m very confident that is exactly what Victorians will do.”

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