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The Internet Is Losing Its Mind Over The ‘Is Male Privilege Bullsh!t?’ Debate

Why is this even a question?

The discussion was heated—and only at times intelligent—on Hack Live’s latest instalment, Is Male Privilege Bullsh!t? hosted by Tom Tilley.



Featuring a diverse panel from a feminist activist to “anti feminist” and “privilege skeptic”, the panel talked (often over the top of each other) about many aspects of gender equality. 

Men’s rights activist ‘Adrian’ refused to reveal his real name on the show out of fear of online abuse and was stumped when asked if gender equality in the workplace exists. He also equated men being “kicked in the nuts” to sexual assault. 


Thankfully feminist commentator Clementine Ford was a voice of reason, shutting down misused statistics about violence against men and whether feminists hate the opposite sex. 

Transgender activist Nevo Zisin said he had definitely observed male privilege in action. 

“I’ve lived my life as a woman and a man. I can tell you tangible evidence of male privilege,” he explained.

Zisin said he was previously “told I was on my period if I said anything passionate or heartfelt” but now no longer gets interrupted and is “rewarded” for being considered a feminist.


As Ruby Hamad pointed out in the Sydney Morning Herald, there is really no ‘debate’ to be had over the existence of male privilege.

“First, because it frames male privilege as a question for which the answer has not yet been resolved, and second, because it takes an apparently neutral stance, presumably intending to give both sides equal time to air their views,” she wrote.

Thousands weighed in on Twitter before and during the debate: 


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