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Photographer Terry Richardson Addresses Being Dropped From Major Fashion Magazines

After multiple allegations of exploitation

Following on from horrifying allegations about Harvey Weinstein, many have questioned why photographer Terry Richardson has been allowed to continue working in the fashion industry despite multiple allegations that he has exploited models. 

Yesterday, The Telegraph broke the news that Richardson has been banned from working with many major magazine titles.

A leaked email from Condé Nast International reveals that the company will no longer feature material from the controversial photographer. Condé Nast publishes a range of world-renowned titles including Vogue, Vanity Fair, GQ and Glamour.

“I am writing to you on an important matter. Condé Nast would like to no longer work with the photographer Terry Richardson,” executive vice president James Woolhouse wrote in the leaked email. 

Magazine editors were apparently told that they were not to hire Richardson for future projects and that any work yet to be published from him must be “killed or substituted with other material”.

Terry Richardson

Richardson has now addressed the claims, admitting to interacting with models in a sexually explicit manner.

“He is an artist who has been known for his sexually explicit work so many of his professional interactions with subjects were sexual and explicit in nature but all of the subjects of his work participated consensually,” a spokeswoman for 52-year-old said in a statement to The Telegraph.

The photographer is known for his work with A-listers from Kate Moss to Beyonce and Miley Cyrus – who has said she regrets Richardson’s explicit take on her ‘Wrecking Ball’ video.

Terry Richardson

Several models have accused the photographer of exploitative behaviour during shoots.

Richardson has previously addressed rumours by declaring: “I collaborated with consenting adult women who were fully aware of the nature of the work, and as is typical with any project, everyone signed releases.”

“I have never used an offer of work or a threat of rebuke to coerce someone into something that they did not want to do,” he has said.

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