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Sia Reveals She Suffers From Chronic Pain And Ehlers-Danlos Syndromes Disease

She opened up about her health issues in a series of tweets

Sia is a very private celebrity. But the Australian singer/songwriter just got very candid about her health issues, sharing with the world that she suffers from chronic pain and a genetic disease known as Ehlers-Danlos syndromes (EDS).


“Hey, I’m suffering with chronic pain, a neurological disease, ehlers danlos and I just wanted to say to those of you suffering from pain, whether physical or emotional, I love you, keep going. Life is f*cking hard. Pain is demoralizing, and you’re not alone,” Sia shared via her Twitter on Friday.

This is the first time she’s ever spoken out about her battle with EDS, which is a disease that affects connective tissues supporting the skin, bones, blood vessels, and many other organs and tissues. Symptoms include stretchy, fragile skin and overly flexible joints. 

EDS is very rare and only affects 1 in 5,000 people worldwide.


Clarifying her original tweet, Sia noted that she is suffering from a neurological disease in addition to EDS.

And that wasn’t all. Sia was feeling very forthcoming, further revealing that another cause of her chronic pain is neuralgia (severe, shooting pain that occurs due to a damaged or irritated nerve).

If you’d like more information it’s neuralgia caused by a routine surgery three years ago. My TSH [thyroid-stimulating hormone] is also 29, it’s supposed to be below 4, so I’m severely hypothyroid. I’m also taking time off to do intensive therapy on Complex PTSD. Turns out my bipolar 2 diagnosis was wrong,” she explained.

When a fan asked if that meant she isn’t actually bipolar, she replied, “Yes, I am not bipolar 2 as previously diagnosed. The correct diagnosis was complex PTSD.”

Talk about having a tough run!

In one last tweet before putting the conversation to bed, Sia made sure to note that while she’s going through a difficult and painful time, she has great support and feels bad for those who aren’t as lucky:


“Oh yeah, herniated c6-7 c4-5 and cubitle tunnel syndrome. no STDs, which frankly, is miraculous given my twenties. so… Plenty of people suffering more than me. At least I have resources. I really feel for those struggling w/the healthcare system. KEEP GOING!”

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