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EXCLUSIVE: Sam Wood Tells What He’s Learned About Parenting Since Daughter Willow Was Born

Everyone's favourite celebrity personal trainer details his sleepless nights and the unrelenting love he has for his family.

“You think you know what love is”
Then that first moment changes everything forever. I will never forget that feeling of excitement, amazement and so much love. It is indescribable and instantaneous.


“You won’t agree on everything and that’s ok”
Being Macedonian, Snez is extremely family conscious. Add to this that she was formerly a single mum, Snez would definitely agree that she has a tendency to be overprotective. I recently asked her, “To what age do new babies sleep in the same room as their parents?” and it was as if I’d asked when Willow would be sleeping outside with our dog Hendrix! There were not even words, I simply received a look that said “our little baby will be sleeping in our room for a lot longer, don’t bring that up again!”. Research suggested it was around the six-month mark, but I think Snez is leaning towards six years.

Being a first time dad it’s all news to me but Snez has been very, very quick to shut down research by supposed experts with an eye roll and “Nuh uh, I’ve done this before.” Knowing how amazing she is as a mum to Eve and Willow, I definitely trust her judgement.

Sam Wood with daughter Willow

Sleep is scarce
Everyone loves to warn you about the sleepless nights but nothing quite prepares you for them. Sometimes I even think I hear her crying when she’s not… apparently it’s known as “phantom crying”! I can’t count the amount of times I’ve gone into the office half-asleep, but I wouldn’t have it any other way.

Sam Wood Willow

Snez’s Selflessness
What an eye-opening experience it has been for me to watch Snezana as a mother to our baby. I’ve never seen closeness between two people quite like it. Snez’s absolute commitment to Willow, with complete disregard to her own wellbeing, truly has just blown me away. Every waking minute she is thinking about Willow. She’s so in tune with her, she even wakes up just before Willow does. There is an irrefutable connection between them which has been so beautiful to watch and it has made me a better person to see how selfless someone can be towards another human being.

They were right
I can’t tell you the amount of times I heard “Mate, I’m not even going to go on about it, being a dad is one of those things you don’t understand until you experience it firsthand”. I finally get what they all meant. The love you feel for your baby is unlike any other love you will ever experience. I truly feel like the luckiest man in the world to be a dad to two gorgeous girls and to have Snezana as my fiancé.

Sam Wood Willow

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