Prepare for cuteness overload: this writer isn’t usually one for pictures of other people’s children (even royal ones), but these images are actually adorable.
The scene? An airport runway in Warsaw, Poland, where the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge (you know them best as Prince William and Kate Middleton) have just touched down with their two children, Prince George and Princess Charlotte.
The show-stoppers? The aforementioned Prince George, three years old, and Princess Charlotte, now two.
Although they were undoubtedly curious to land in a new country (see their faces pressed up against the plane window below) it took a little bit of coaxing to get them to exit the aircraft.

Princess Charlotte regained her composure enough to give a little wave to the armed guards, while it seems Prince George needed a little extra encouragement.

Their mother has already made headlines for hinting that more children could be on the horizon. A Mirror reporter has tweeted that Kate, when given a gift for a newborn baby from a member of the Polish public, said, “We will just have to have more babies.”
With children as cute as these, is it any wonder if they’re considering more?