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Police Self-Isolation Spot Checks Find Several People Were Not Following Self-Isolation Rules

Authorities are now handing out fines to those who are disobeying

For the next few weeks, the underlying rule Australians have been given is to socially distance, self-isolate and stay home. This is in order to ‘flatten the curve’ of the rapidly spreading coronavirus, and ultimately not lead to a spike in people falling ill (especially the more vulnerable). 


Victorian police have revealed that random police spot checks on people who were told to self-isolate after travelling were not home and disobeying the directive to quarantine themselves, per 9 News.

Chief Commissioner Graham Ashton confirmed police undertook 88 visits to residences of returned overseas travellers in the state, where 70 people were found to be following quarantine obligations. Commissioner Ashton added police were working to locate the individuals missing from their homes: “We’re doing follow-ups as to where those people are.” 

Police have warned failing to abide by the state’s new quarantine measures could result in a $25,000 fine for individuals, or $100,000 for businesses. 

“We haven’t fined anyone yet because people we have found that haven’t been complying haven’t understood it, haven’t got it, deeply apologetic and they’re doing the right thing now,” Comm. Ashton said.


“If we get someone who is absolutely flouting it, we’ll process the paperwork.”

In Melbourne’s eastern and southern suburbs, two police officers have tested positive for the virus. Another 400 police members were either taking carers’ leave or isolating at home as a result of potential contact with people diagnosed with COVID-19.

“They are obviously receiving the treatment and staying in isolation themselves and we’re trying to make sure we look after their welfare as well.”


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