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The “2016 Marriage Equality Plebiscite” Tops Suicide Helpline List

A leaked image reveals the alarming new crisis category and reaffirms what experts already predicted

The Plebiscite hasn’t even happened yet (thankfully) and the “2016 marriage Equality Plebiscite” has been revealed as the top reason for people calling Lifeline, the national suicide hotline.


Buzzfeed News obtained a leaked image from an internal source at Lifeline that shows the system that employees use and what they are required to enter as the main reason for people calling in.

Lifeline hasn’t confirmed whether plebiscite-related calls have increased however a volunteer said new categories are updated when there is an increase in the number of calls relating to the subject.

We already know that one in five lesbian, gay or bisexual Australians currently experience depression and one of the biggest arguments against the plebiscite is that it will cause tremendous harm and increase potential suicide among young LGBTIQ youth.

This new information is exceptionally alarming and reaffirms what experts have already predicted for some time now.


Patrick McGory, a mental health expert and advocate for Mental Health Australia recently spoke out against the plebiscite on marriage equality calling on the government to drop the 200 million dollar plan.

“Mental Health Australia recognises discrimination based on race, gender or sexuality is detrimental to mental health,”

“The parliament should continue to pass laws that remove discrimination. This should include laws to establish marriage equality.

“Laws to protect any part of the population from discrimination should not be contingent on the outcome of a plebiscite”


If you or someone you know needs help, contact Lifeline on 13 11 14 or visit Lifeline.

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