Chilling photographs have emerged of 18-year-old Jolee Callan shortly before she was murdered by her ex-boyfriend in Alabama.
The last photographs of Callan taken before her death show the teenager on the edge of a cliff staring out into the distance, The Sun reports.
The young woman had been hiking with her ex-boyfriend Loren Bunner though the Pinhoti Trail area of Mount Cheaha on August 30, 2015. Bunner posted a series of photographs of Callan on his Instagram account documenting their hike. One photograph of her was captioned: “oh, ya know. Just enjoying the view”.
The young woman was shot twice—once in the back of her head and once between her eyes—by Bunner. He then pushed her off a cliff.
According to The Mirror, Callan messaged a friend the night before the hike and joked: “If something happens to me, you’ll know who I was with”.
Authorities believed Bunner killed his former girlfriend because she didn’t want to be in a relationship with him.
Bunner later called police and told them he had killed Callan, ABC reports. The man claimed he had a suicide pact with his former girlfriend, but couldn’t go through with killing himself.
Bunner pleaded guilty to murder and was sentenced to 52 years in prison.