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Bullies target family of Qld boy who took his own life for being gay

Tyrone Unsworth’s family have already suffered so much

Tyrone Unsworth from Brisbane was only 13 when he took his own life. Other children had tormented him at school for being “feminine” – calling him a f*g, gay-boy and fairy, culminating in a brutal physical attack that left him hospitalised. As if this wasn’t appalling enough, his family is now being tortured by internet trolls impersonating the teen and mocking him even as his family grieve.

Anonymous messages have been sent to Tyrone’s distraught mother, Amanda, taunting her by calling her son the names that haunted him during his life. “My issue is he’s a f*g,” sneered one anonymous message. Another showed a picture of someone pointing a gun at the camera.

“You have no bloody right doing this. Or son is dead and yous still want to bully him,” Amanda wrote on Facebook. “Grow up you pathetic little bastards.”

Tyrone, who was laid to rest yesterday by family and friends wearing brightly coloured clothes to celebrate his life, was said to have been bullied by other students for months before his death.

At his funeral yesterday, his mother Amanda had this lament for her beloved son, according to the Courier Mail: “Tyrone, our baby blue eyes, from the day you were born, I knew you were our special gift from God.”

“You always had the biggest smile on your handsome freckly face, your eyes were deep blue ocean eyes, your energy was so addictive.”

Fly high, sweet boy. You didn't deserve this.

Concerned friends and strangers have been helping Tyrone’s family by reporting the messages and troll accounts to Facebook and the police.

It’s unthinkable that anyone would drive a child to do what he did. It’s even more pathetic that they’re still attempting to bully him even after his death.

We hope Tyrone’s family is able to find some peace.

If you or anyone you know needs support, Lifeline 24-hour crisis support on 13 11 14 or Kids Helpline 1800 551 800 

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