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Manchester Mosque Refuses To Bury Suicide Bomber

"We cannot offer prayers over someone who has committed such an act"

One of Manchester’s largest mosques has refused to bury the body of a suicide bomber responsible for last month’s deadly attacks at Manchester Arena.

Salman Abedi detonated an explosive outside Ariana Grande’s concert on May 22, killing himself and 22 others.

According to The Atlantic, Manchester Central Mosque has condemned Abedi’s horrific actions and declared they will not handle the body of the 22-year-old bomber. The mosque is one of the largest Muslim funeral providers in the area.

“We don’t condone suicide bombing in any way, shape or form, so anyone who’s been involved with that, we’re not going to be supporting them,” Imam Irfan Chishti of Manchester Central Mosque said. “We cannot offer prayers over someone who has committed such an act.”

Abedi’s parents and brother are unable to retrieve his corpse because they are in Libya, Metro reports.

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The mosque also took to Facebook to condemn Sunday’s horrific London Bridge terror attack, which has left seven people dead and around 48 injured.  

The statement read: “As Muslims across the country were opening their fast and praying to their Lord, terrorists took to the streets of London and committed these acts of violence. This to me shows these individuals for what they are – politically and ideologically motivated brutal murderers.

“It sickens us to the core to even suggest they have any link to my faith – a peace loving, peace making, peace instilling faith.”

The mosque ended the statement with a message of unity for Manchester: “As a community in Manchester we came together in the most amazing way – turning to love not hate. We stand together with London and we pray, hope and remain resolute in our defiance against extremism and terrorism.”

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