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Kim Kardashian Reveals Her Biggest Instagram Regret

Kim KardashianGetty

Regrets, we have a few – but we would have thought that Kim Kardashian, who rose to fame via one of the world’s most notorious sex tape scandals, might have more regrets than most.

So we were surprised to learn that her biggest regret, in social media terms at least, is actually the post she shared when she and Kanye got engaged.

Just try to spot the problem with this photo:

Does she feel that, in hindsight, it was a tad ostentatious? Good lord no.

“One of my biggest photo regrets is when I got engaged and I had the shortest nails when I showed my picture,” Kardashian told beauty vlogger Patrick Starrr’s in a YouTube clip. “It would have looked so much better with long nails.”  

We just don’t know how she sleeps at night.

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