It’s undoubtedly the most 2018 photo of 2018: two reality TV stars side by side in the White House, where one–we still can’t believe it—is actually president.
On Thursday, US President Donald Trump met with Kim Kardashian West to discuss prison reform and sentencing (admittedly a worthy topic of discussion).
Kardashian West set her sights on the release of 63-year-old grandmother Alice Marie Johnson, who is currently serving a life sentence in prison for a first-time, nonviolent drug offence.
Following the meeting, Trump issued a pardon, but it was actually for conservative author Dinesh D’Souza, who pleaded guilty to arranging illegal campaign donations. Afterwards, the US President also released a photograph of his meeting with Kardashian West on his favourite social media platform to commemorate the baffling occasion.
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Twitter, of course, had a field day over the unusual pairing.
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