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Gwyneth Paltrow Says She Thought Ski Collision Was Attempted Sexual Assault

Paltrow has shared her perspective of the incident.
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Gwyneth Paltrow has revealed that she initially thought a ski accident was an attempted sexual assault.

The star has taken to stand to share her perspective on the 2016 skiing collision that has landed her in court.

Gwyneth Paltrow
Gwyneth Paltrow explains her perspective of the skiiing incident. (Credit: Getty)

As TMZ reports, Paltrow claimed to hear a “strange rusting noise,” behind her while skiing at Deer Valley Resort. 

Paltrow then describes that she “froze” and became upset as a skier—later revealed to be army doctor Terry Sanderson— allegedly made contact with her. 

“I was skiing and two skis came between my skis, forcing my legs apart,” she explained. “And then there was a body pressing against me.”

When Sanderson’s lawyer Kristin VanOrman, asked Paltrow, “was he grinding or thrusting? What made you think it was a sexual assault?” Paltrow explained, “It was a quick thought that went through my head.”

“There was a strange grunting noise and a body behind me so I was trying to make sense of what was going on. My mind was going very quickly,” Paltrow added. 

Gwyneth Paltrow
Paltrow enters the courtroom. (Credit: Getty)

Sanderson filed a lawsuit against Paltrow in January 2019, claiming that the actress had been skiing “out of control” when she allegedly collided with him on February 26, 2016.

At the time, he alleged that Paltrow was distracted, “knocking him down hard, knocking him out, and causing a brain injury, four broken ribs and other serious injuries.”

He also claimed that after the accident, Paltrow simply “got up, turned and skied away.”

Paltrow quickly filed a countersuit against Sanderson, alleging that she was the one who got injured and not Sanderson.

Sanderson is seeking $300,000 (approx. AU $450,000) in damages from Paltrow for his negligence suit. This figure was dropped from his initial $3.1 million (approx. AU $4.6 million) request, which a judge ruled that he was not entitled to. 

Paltrow on the other hand, is seeking just $1 in damages and Sanderson to cover her legal expenses. 

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