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Grandmother Of Orlando Shooting Victim Receives Outpouring Of Support On Flight

She was flying to Orlando for her grandson’s funeral
A person with short hair and a beard, wearing a red plaid shirt, stands indoors near a floor lamp.Facebook

The grieving grandmother of Orlando shooting victim Luis Omar Ocasio-Capo received a touching tribute from fellow passengers as she flew to Orlando for his funeral.


Flight attendant Kelly Davis Karas said that the woman was, “understandably distraught, but met us with kindness and gentleness.”

Karas and fellow attendant Melinda Sloop Winstead wanted to show their support for Ocasio-Capo’s grandmother, and decided to pass around paper for passengers to write messages of support.

“When we gathered them together to present them to her, we didn’t have just a sheet of paper covered in names, which is what I had envisioned,” Karas said.

Tributes flow for the victims of the Orlando shooting (Credit: Getty)

“Instead, we had page after page after page after page of long messages offering condolences, peace, love and support. There were even a couple of cash donations, and more than a few tears. As we deplaned, EVERY SINGLE PERSON STOPPED TO OFFER HER THEIR CONDOLENCES.

“Some just said they were sorry, some touched her hand, some hugged her, some cried with her. But every single person stopped to speak to her, and not a single person was impatient at the slower deplaning process.”

“I will never forget today #Orlandoproud,”

Ocasio-Capo – who went by Omar – was one of the youngest victims of the attack. He was just 20-years-old and was known for being able to get along with people from all walks of life.


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