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Murderer Posted Photos Of His Victim On Facebook

This case is horrific

Facebook friends of Jennifer Streit-Spears, 43, were horrified to discover her murder in Texas after the killer posted photos of her corpse on her Facebook page.


45-year-old Kenneth Alan Amyx, who was Jennifer’s boyfriend, posted two photos of her corpse to her Facebook page – one showing her slashed throat, and the other was a selfie he had taken of his own bloody face with her body.

Jennifer Streit-Spears. Image: Facebook

Police found Jennifer dead in her apartment in Plano, Texas after her sister reported a disturbance. Kenneth was arrested at the scene of the crime in connection with the murder. He was treated in hospital for knife wounds, which appeared to be self-inflicted.

Kenneth Alan Amyx. Image: Collin County Sheriff’s Office

Murder charges aren’t all he’s facing though – Kenneth has also been charged with indecency with a child and sex abuse of a child under 14, in a separate incident unconnected to the murder.

Friends of Jennifer spoke to CBS news about the photos Kenneth had posted on Jennifer’s Facebook page. Her friend Fran Stamey said: “I just started to reach out to our mutual friends to see if… anybody knew anything. It’s hard to think that somebody would just do something like that and have the guts to post something like that.”

Facebook left the photos up for 36 hours, as it was not exactly clear what they were depicting. However once it was discovered that they were showing a murder and that Kenneth had been using the account, they were taken down instantly.

Plano Police Department Public Information Officer David Tilley told BuzzFeed News that he was shaken by the case, and that his heart goes out to the victim’s family and friends.


“The sad part about all this is anytime that a family member or friend is violently murdered in this way people will hear about it, but this rose to a whole different level because not only did [her friends] hear about it, but they saw it, too.”

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