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Donald Trump Slammed For His Tirade About Female Journalist

On Twitter, of course

In today’s edition of ‘Donald Trump: He Said Whaaat?’ the US President has been slammed for making vile comments about TV news anchor Mika Brzezinski.


Taking to Twitter (of course), Trump Tweeted his disdain for the MSNBC program Morning Joe by taunting co-host Ms Brzezinski for her “low I.Q.” and being “crazy”. He also wrote that Ms Brzezinski was “bleeding badly from a face-lift” when he saw her around New Year’s Eve.

He referred to co-host Joe Scarborough—a former Republican US congressman—as “Psycho Joe”.


Ms Brzezinski is a journalist and daughter of former White House national security advisor Zbigniew Brzezinski, the ABC reports. She had the perfect response to Trump’s vile attack with a Tweet showing a box of Cheerios with the phrase “Made For Little Hands”.

In 2016, Trump defended the size of his hands after Senator Marco Rubio had taunted: “You know what they say about men with small hands? … You can’t trust them.”

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Other Twitter users weighed in on Trump’s ridiculous correspondence: 


MSNBC’s communications office aptly summed up the situation on Twitter: “It’s a sad day for America when the president spends his time bullying, lying and spewing petty personal attacks instead of doing his job.”

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