Last night saw the moment we had all been waiting for on this season of The Bachelor, when contestants Cat and Romy – dubbed this season’s “villains” – finally put in their place, leaving the show alongside their side-kick Alicia and intruder Brittany.
The episode started with another awkward group date with the girls getting overly aggressive in a pool in terrible swimsuits (anyone else feel uncomfortable with some of those camera angles?) before the drama started when Brooke received another single date – much to the disdain of Cat, who was yet to have any one-on-one time with the Honey Badger.
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But it was really all about the cocktail party – or toga party rather – where Nick decided to confront Tenielle about who was being mean in house. Nick then took it upon himself to ask serial trouble-maker Cat to leave the mansion – while for some reason deciding to keep Romy in.
He then went on to offer Romy the final rose (whaaat?) before she decided to high-tail it out of there too.
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Jessica is marie claire and InStyle's Senior Digital Content Editor reporting on everything from celebrities to breaking news, lifestyle and all things royal (ahem, Meghan and Harry!).