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Andy Lee Publishes Kid’s Book For His Nephew’s 1st Birthday

Is there anything Andy can't do?
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As if Australia couldn’t love radio host Andy Lee anymore, he’s gone and done it, he has written and published a children’s book.


The Hamish & Andy show radio host, and now published author, originally wanted to write a book for his nephew George as a gift for his first birthday, but a book publisher friend decided it needed to be printed for kid’s around Australia to enjoy.

On The Project on Wednesday night, the 35-year-old explained how the whole process went down.

“It came about in strange circumstances because I wanted to surprise my sister,” he explained. “I’ve got a nephew, George, who’s about to turn one. I thought writing a book for him as his birthday present would be a nice thing to do.

“I wrote it up, I gave it to my best mate who’s a kid’s books publisher and I said ‘Can you just make one copy for me?’. He rang me back a few weeks later and said ‘I asked the other publishers and they’d like to print this’. I said ‘Nah mate, give us the one copy’.”


Andy finally agreed, but only if he could surprise his sister, Alex, first. The video, where Andy teamed up with his radio partner-in-crime Hamish Blake with the heartwarming surprise, has been viewed over 600 000 times on Facebook.

Guaranteed, it’s the sweetest video you’ll watch all week.

Does Andy win uncle of the year now?


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