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A Clue In This Photo Suggests One Of The Gilmore Girls Is Pregnant, According To Fans

Which one you ask? Well...

The Netflix Gilmore Girls revival is almost upon us, and Netflix keep teasing tiny little details about the show. 

However a recent promotional image has been causing fan theories to erupt that one of the Gilmore girls is pregnant.

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The image shows pop tarts, a mug, and an apple on a bed of newspapers. It was captioned: “Pop-Tart appetizers to hold us over ’till the pizza comes. And one apple.”


The object causing all the suspicion is the apple! Why? Because Lorelai once admitted that the only time she ever felt like eating them is when she was pregnant with Rory. Going by this theory, Lorelai could be pregnant again! Or maybe Rory could be…with her mother’s craving.

RELATED: The Gilmore Girls Revival Trailer Is Finally Here!

Some eagle-eyed fans have also read into another promotional image in which they claim they can see a pram in a photo in the background.

Who knows what could happen! Is November 25 here yet?



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