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The 20 Australian Companies Without A Single Female Board Member

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While the Australian Institute of Company Directors quarterly gender diversity report last week revealed that we are gaining headway in the fight for gender equality in the workplace, it also showed that we are still fighting an uphill battle.


To date, there have been 35 women were appointed to ASX 200 in 2016, which sees the rate of female representation at 23.6%

The institute, who have set a target of 30% female representation on ASX200 boards by 2018, still have a ways to go with Fairfax reporting that there are still 20 ASX 200 companies who do not feature a single woman on their boards.

The companies, in no particular order, are from a wide range of industries including mining, telco, pharmaceuticals and manufacturing.



TPG Telecom

Investa Office Fund

Evolution Mining 

Qube Holdings


Northern Star Resources

Aveo Group

Independence Group NL

Regis Resources


Mineral Resources

Mayne Pharma Group

ARB Corporation





Australian Agricultural Company

Monadelphous Group


GWA Group

Western Areas 

National Storage REIT



“It’s pretty extraordinary that there are still large listed companies which have no women on their board, frankly it’s verging on the inexplicable,” AICD’s managing director John Brogden tells ABC. “My message to boards that are all-male is that they need to realise and embrace the benefits that diversity brings to their organisation.”

“They need to come to terms with the fact that expectations of shareholders are changing and those expectations are that there be a level of diversity on boards,” he said.

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