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Man Commits Suicide In Eerily Similar Way To ’13 Reasons Why’ Series

He left behind audio recordings and instructions

A 23-year-old man in Peru has taken his own life in circumstances eerily similar to the controversial Netflix series 13 Reasons Why.


Peruvian news outlet Diario Clarín reports Franco Alonso Lazo Medrano jumped from his fourth-floor apartment after declaring “I can’t stand a heartbreak”. His mother was witness to the devastating events.  

The man left behind audio tapes and two suicide notes—echoing the plot of the hit Netflix show.

According to People, one suicide note was addressed to a loved one named Claudia, while the other contained instructions that detailed who would receive the audio recordings he made on his computer prior to his death.

The recordings are reportedly for the people who drove Medrano to take his own life. 


Since its release, 13 Reasons Why has swiftly become one of the most talked about shows in Netflix’s history. While the series gained a cult-like following within days, a lot of the discussion has surrounded its content, and whether such graphic scenes depicting rape and suicide should be aired on TV – especially when the audience watching it is so young.

Headspace, Australia’s leading youth mental health organisation, released a statement about the growing number of calls they were getting complaining about the show’s content, saying, “There is a responsibility for broadcasters to know what they are showing and the impact that certain content can have on an audience – and on a young audience in particular.”

Netflix has also added a warning at the beginning of each episode for viewers. 


RELATED: 13 Reasons Why Everyone Is Talking About ’13 Reasons Why’

If you or someone you know needs help you can call Lifeline on 131 114 or Beyondblue 1300 224 636.

RELATED: This ’13 Reasons Why Fan Theory Is Crazy But Also Makes So Much Sense


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