
See The Models Who Are Confirmed For The 2017 Victoria’s Secret Fashion Show

Cue: a LOT of excited Instagram posts

The Victoria’s Secret Fashion Show is undoubtedly the biggest runway event of the year.


It’s every model’s dream to walk the runway extravaganza, with just one show catapulting them to supermodel status. 

Here, all the models – aside from the 14 VS Angels who walk every year – confirmed to walk the 2017 show so far, including both Bella and Gigi Hadid, two Australian models, and Karlie Kloss’ return.

Georgia Fowler


With all things celestial this week …I can say, I am truly over the moon to be confirmed in the #VSFashionShow! ⚡️🌚⭐️🌒💫Huge shout out to @ed_razek@johndavidpfeiffer @monica.mitro@10magazine for giving me this magnificent opportunity!”

Vanessa Moody (Newcomer)

“I’m so excited and honored to be walking in the #VSFashionShow 💖  A million thank yous to @victoriasecret @edrazek @monica.mitro @johndavidpfeiffer @10magazine 
@womenmanagementny @campbellmodels💞 Let the countdown begin!!”


Maggie Laine

Ahhh this is so amazing!! Round two baby! 💕 Thank you so much @johndavidpfeiffer @ed_razek@monica.mitro @10magazine@mrs_k_chow @meansss y’all are the best of the best!! 💕”

Nadine Leopold (Newcomer)


I can’t even describe how I feel right now.
I will never forget the first time I got a call from Victoria’s Secret. I started from the bottom and had so many ups and downs but now I can say that if you work hard and believe in yourself and stay true to yourself the sky is the limit! I learned so much and I am so grateful.
I am so excited to let you know that I will be walking in this years VSFS 🤗 
I also want to thank EVERYONE who believed in me and pushed me and supported me along this amazing journey! If it wasn’t for all you I would not be where I am right now.
I am the happiest girl right now 😭🤗 thank you from the bottom of my heart for this opportunity @ed_razek @monica.mitro@johndavidpfeiffer @10magazine 🙌🏻🤗😍 i am beyond grateful ❤️”

Daniela Braga


“🌟🎉🎊🎉I was constantly bullied throughout school and suffered depression when I was younger.
I did not have a lot of support when I started my career.
I moved to NY and did not speak English and heard a lot of NO’s. I went through a lot but persevered.
Today, I am beyond happy to share with you that I will be on the VSFS 2017!!! Never give up on your dreams .Thank you @ed_razek @monica.mitro@johndavidpfeiffer @10magazine for giving me this opportunity for the 4th time I can not even explain how happy and grateful I am. 
Thank you to all of my fans who have been supporting me always!!! 🙌🏾🙏🏾💕🔥👊🏾🎊🎉🇧🇷
#VSFS2017 #VictoriasSecret

Gizele Oliveira

I have no words to explain what I feel right now. This is a whole life of working hard and dreaming about this moment, I seriously can’t believe it finally came true. I just can’t omg 😭😭😭 This is the best feeling of happiness I’ve ever felt in my life! Thank you so much everyone for always supporting me and believing in me! I’m insanely happy and there’s no words to explain how amazing is that I can share this with @brunalirio ♥️♥️♥️ I love you all! Vitorinhaaaaaaa 🙏🏽🙏🏽😭 And @ed_razek@10magazine @monica.mitro@johndavidpfeiffer I can’t ever thank you guys enough for this opportunity! @victoriassecret #VSFS17 #🇧🇷 #🙏🏽#blessed #🍀

Hereith Paul

VS FASHION SHOW 2017, here I come! 🙏🏾 It is my pleasure to announce that I will be walking in the Victoria’s Secret Fashion Show for the second time. THANK YOU to @victoriasecret 
@edrazek @monica.mitro@johndavidpfeiffer 
@10magazine @womenmanagementny#teamheriethpaul, my family and friends for all your support. I will give my best on the runway and make sure to represent all the girls out there with dreams bigger than themselves. May this announcement bring hope and determination to anyone who reads it. 

Alecia Morais (Newcomer)
Roos Marijndekok

I still can’t believe it!!!!!! Words can’t describe how happy and thankful i am just crying 😭😭😭 thank you thank you thank you for making dreams come true @ed_razek @10magazine@monica.mitro @johndavidpfeiffer and everyone else at @victoriassecret after almost 3 yrs of working for VS im WALKING THE VICTORIAS SECRET FASHION SHOW THIS YEAR 💘💘💘💘💘💘💘💘💘 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!”


Alanna Arrington

SOOOOO i’ve got some news for y’all…. i’m confirmed to walk in the 2017 VICTORIA’S SECRET FASHION SHOW!!!!!! 💕💕💕💕💕💕 a million thank you’s to @ed_razek @johndavidpfeiffer@10magazine @monica.mitro for bringing me back again this year!!! let the countdown to the @victoriassecret runway begin😁💕”

Sanne Vloet


Beyond thrilled to announce that I will be walking my 3rd @victoriassecret Fashion show!!!!!!! Can’t wait to start this new adventure again! Thankyou a million @ed_razek@monica.mitro @johndavidpfeiffer@10magazine 😘😘🎉 #VSFashionShow

Kate Grigorieva

“Yes!Yes!Yes!💥I’m doing a show @victoriassecret Fashion Show 💖💞💕Thank you so much @ed_razek@monica.mitro @10magazine@johndavidpfeiffer ❤️#vsfashionshow and thanks to everyone who follows my life and worried about me🙏🏼❤️”

Grace Bol (Newcomer)

I walk in to VS @victoriassecretcallback yesterday with out expectation and it is beyond my dream to announce that I will be walking in #victoriassecret#vsfs2017. Thank you from the bottom of my heart #sophianeophitou @10magazine@ed_razek @monica.mitro@johndavidpfeiffer and the amazing VS team for making my dream come true. I can’t wait to see you all soon. 🙏🏿☺️❤️❤️❤️❤️💋💋💋💋💋💋”


Alexina Graham (Newcomer)

🚨 🚨 The secret is out…. 💥 
It’s an honor to announce that I will be strutting my stuff In the Victoria’s Secret fashion show 2017. 
A massive thankyou to @victoriassecret@ed_razek @monica.mitro @10magazine@johndavidpfeiffer@womenmanagementny 💋💋💋
This redhead be representing!!!🦊 #vsfs2017 #victoriassecret #redheadyayyyyyyyy I’m so excited 😍🤗😄😄😄😄😄”

Bruna Lirio (Newcomer)


I can’t explain what I’m feeling now, I have no words to describe how happy I am. I just wanted to thank everyone who always support me and believe in me and in my work… I’m so grateful that my best friend @giizeleoliveira will be with me in the happiest moment of our lives! ❤️❤️❤️❤️ Thank you so much @ed_razek@10magazine @monica.mitro@johndavidpfeiffer @victoriassecret I can’t wait to see you guys in #VSFS2017 🌹 #blessed #🇧🇷 #🍀

Grace Elizabeth


I’m so honored to be walking in my second VSFS! This was one of the most magical moments of my life. Thank you for allowing me to return to such an exhilarating, empowering Runway Show @ed_razek @monica.mitro@johndavidpfeiffer @10magazine I’m so excited!!! Fun Fact: at this moment of the show, I looked out into the audience and the first people I saw were my mom and dad. Out of all of the people, they were there cheering front row. Best moment of my life. #vsfashionshow #vsfs2017 #pinknation

Xiao Wen Ju

I went to see some special people on a special day ❤️ I made a wish. Then it came true. ❤️ #2 ! THANK YOU @victoriassecret @ed_razek @monica.mitro@johndavidpfeiffer @jeromeduran @imgmodels @meansss @10magazine@marcgordonfitnessnyc ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ #vsfs2017

Maria Borges


4️⃣ years time flies, but memories last forever. I wouldn’t do it without your Love and Suport I thank you God, Family, friends and fans for the constant support. Like as always said I’m here to make you all Proud. 🙌🏿 Expecial thank you to @victoriassecret the Angels 😇 @ed_razek @monica.mitro@10magazine @johndavidpfeiffer and the incredible team who made it happen. My family @imgmodels Thank you for the opportunity forever grateful.💚🙏🏿 I can’t wait for the #victoriassecret #2017#blackgirlmagic 
What is your favorite wings look (1,2,3 or 4)?
Qual é o seu look favorito com asas (1,2,3 ou 4)?

Leomie Anderson

Words can’t describe how excited and thankful I am to announce that I will a part of the @victoriassecret Fashion Show this year!!!! I want to say thank you to everyone who helped me achieve my dreams for a third year in a row and send my love and congrats to all my beautiful friends who will also be doing the show- the cast is crazy!!! Can’t wait to make you all proud ❤

Megan Williams

Such an honor to be welcomed back a 2nd year to walk the @victoriassecret fashion show and this famous Pink carpet 💫 grateful to you guys @ed_razek @johndavidpfeiffer@monica.mitro @10magazine Let’s do this‼️ #VSFashionShow


Barbara Fialho

A little bit of last year’s BABS board! Can’t believe this will be year number six! 💕 All my love to my @VictoriasSecret family! 💋 @Ed_Razek @Monica.Mitro@10Magazine Sophia Neophitou @GarthSpencer @SophiaLidz And every angel working so hard to make this dream possible for all of us. 💕 #LastYearsVSFSBoard @johndavidpfeiffer 💕

Mayowa Nicholas (Newcomer)


I can’t believe I am typing this right now I am so happy to announce that I will be walking the Victoria secret fashion show 2017 , this is a huge dream come true. Thank you so much @georgesperos @thesocietynyc @loganjharper @10magazine@ed_razek @monica.mitro @johndavidpfeiffer @victoriassecret for believing in me and all the amazing girls walking the show , for allowing us to be ourselves . I am filled with happiness ❤️🙏🏽 #livingthedream #Godgrace

Julia Belyakova (Newcomer)


SECRET ANGEL 💘 Beyond Proud of @iamjuliabelyakova soon to be seen walking her first @victoriassecret Fashion Show! 🇺🇸 Follow her accent to the 🔝 Thank you @ed_razek @johndavidpfeiffer @10magazine @monica.mitro 🙏🏼✨ Video @kat_in_nyc Music @imjmichaels Contact @cory_bautista5 #JuliaBelyakova#NYMMWomen #VSFS2017 #WCW

Aiden Curtiss (Newcomer)

it hasn’t fully registered but I’m so grateful and speechless to say I’ll be walking next to some of the most beautiful women in the Victoria’s Secret Fashion Show this year.. all I can say is thank you to my amazing bookers @christyturlington and #jamespowell at @nextmodels, my amazing trainer at @lifetimefitness@johndavidpfeiffer and everyone at @victoriassecret for believing in me ❤️ and thank you to all the kind messages and wishes, love you all.. I’m so excited to be apart of such a beautiful show !!!!


Victoria Lee (Newcomer)

💫 Extremely happy to let you know I’ll be walking in the 2017 Victoria’s Secret Fashion Show!! Thankyou so much for this incredible opportunity @johndavidpfeiffer @ed_razek @monica.mitro @10magazine @victoriassecret 💕❤️💕#VSFashionShow

Dasha Khlystun (Newcomer)


THANK YOU ALL THE TEAM OF @victoriassecret ITS SUCH A PLEASURE TO BE A PART OF THIS AMAZING SHOW @ed_razek @johndavidpfeiffer @10magazine@monica.mitro Thanks for believing in me ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️#vsfs #victoriassecret #dariakhlistun #mc2 #1motheragency

Estelle Chen (Newcomer)


Can’t believe it’s happening… I’m incredibly happy to announce that I AM WALKING THE VICTORIA’S SECRET 2017 SHOW 💥💓 ✨ I’m so thankful for everything that has happened in my life so far, every person I’ve met during these past four years, my family (mum, dad, williams, you’re the best) ❤️ and my friends who are always by my side no matter what. So many ups and downs but that’s what makes this journey so special… Thank you to my agencies and agents for believing in me and for all the hard work, and for bearing my annoying questions all the time 😉 without you it wouldn’t have been possible and above all thank you to the @victoriassecret team @johndavidpfeiffer @ed_razek@10magazine @monica.mitro ❤️ for giving me the opportunity I dreamed about since I was 13 😭 can’t wait to see you guys again ✨ you inspire girls to be the best version of themselves and you make our dreams become reality🌷 Thank you to my followers, even if I don’t respond to all your DMs, I want to say that you guys make me smile all the time and you keep me motivated throughout this incredible journey… 💌 Work hard for your goals and stay humble ❤️ may all your dreams come true just like mine became true today… ☁️

Amilna Estevao (Newcomer)

I’m extremely happy to tell you guys that I will be walking for @victoriassecretfashion show 2k17, so happy one of my dreams just came true. Thank so so much @ed_razek @10magazine @monica.mitro @johndavidpfeiffer and all the @victoriassecret Team for believing in me and letting me be apart of this Special Show Love you guys ❤️🌻🌟🌻❤️


Kelly Gale

“I grew up playing Tennis and Soccer. At an early age I knew that I was going to become a professional athlete. The commitment, sacrifices, determination and effort required, came naturally and I loved it. l was bought up to always challenge my mental and physical boundaries. Soccer training was an opportunity to lose myself in the zone. Turning up and kicking that ball and kicking it hard (lol). Failing then learning, losing then learning. Always with both eyes on WINNING.

I remember the feeling of playing a muddy game of soccer outside in freezing and dark, rain pelting down whipping at my face. The overwhelming drive to score, do my best, win was triggered by the factors that made it even harder to do so. Giving everything to get the ball in the back of the net and celebrate with my team mates. It was as if my life depended on it…
Boy did it feel good when we won. When we lost I brushed myself off, went out and worked harder for the next game. I was 8 at the time. It was hard to juggle everything and in the end I chose school and modeling. 
At 14 I saw a Video of Adriana Lima, her hard work ethic inspired me. From that moment my goal was to make the VSFS at age 18. When I found out I’d booked that show it was the happiest moment of my life. The hard work paid off. That feeling of elation was identical to winning those tennis matches and soccer games as a kid, only much more intense and powerful. I realised then how much I’d missed that feeling. 
These days, I train like a professional athlete. Wake up at the crack of dawn to box and jump rope. Mentally, it’s no different to the training that 8 year old Kelly had to endure to be the best soccer or tennis player that she could be. It’s not rocket science – it’s all about prep. The harder you work for something, the more you appreciate the outcome.

THANK YOU, THANK YOU John, Ed, Monica and Sophia for recognising my hard work and commitment by giving me the opportunity to walk the #VSFashionShow for the 4th time!! The competition is fierce, and there are so many amazing girls out there who work just as hard as me to achieve this goal. I’m humbled, honored and blessed to be a part of the show once again❤️😍😘”

Bella Hadid


@victoriassecret I am so excited!..!!!!Thank you @monica.mitro@10magazine @johndavidpfeiffer and of course the wonderful, incredible @ed_razek + everyone on the team for making this dream come true again.. I feel so crazy humbled to get the opportunity to be a part of this show again…Walking into the offices this year i felt so happy, healthy, and honored.. I can’t wait for another incredible experience!!! Congrats to all of the beautiful ladies I will be walking beside. I can’t wait! Xx 💕🌸”

Karlie Kloss


“See you in Shanghai @VictoriasSecret 😇💗”

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