If there were awards being given out for celebrities with the most wedding dresses, Priyanka Chopra would win — no doubt about it. The actress has debuted yet another wedding reception dress at yet another wedding reception, bringing her tally of total wedding dresses to four and wedding reception dresses to six (at least, that’s what we can figure out thus far).
Watch below to see the full look:
This reception, which was held in Belmont, South Carolina, was the couple’s first reception in the US, and saw Jonas’s extended family travel to the Southern USA town for the event. Belmont is the hometown of Jonas’s father Kevin Jonas Sr., and the location of the family restaurant, Nellie’s Southern Kitchen — where the reception was held.
Chopra used the occasion for yet another wedding reception dress (who wouldn’t!), this time a strapless floral print white dress in a handkerchief style. She paired the post-wedding look with a simple pair of silver pumps and her hair loose.
According to E! The newlyweds (two months after the fact, but whatever) had a sign on entrance to the party which confirmed its wedding reception status. “Nick and Priyanka just got hitched but that knot that they tied has not been dipped in gravy or honey or hot chicken grease. So it’s time we throw them a Nellie’s Southern feast. Mama and Papa J invite you with pride to come celebrate their boy and his bride,” it apparently read.
The party was, just like we’ve come to expect from the couple’s previous receptions, packed with dancing, food and both their families, with Chopra’s close family travelling from India to South Carolina for the occasion.
So, will we get a seventh dress before February, or is that too much to ask for? Keep them coming, Priyanka!
This article originally appeared on InStyle Australia.
If there were awards being given out for celebrities with the most wedding dresses, Priyanka Chopra would win — no doubt about it. The actress has debuted yet another wedding reception dress at yet another wedding reception, bringing her tally of total wedding dresses to four and wedding reception dresses to six (at least, that’s what we can figure out thus far).
Watch below to see the full look:
If there were awards being given out for celebrities with the most wedding dresses, Priyanka Chopra would win — no doubt about it. The actress has debuted yet another wedding reception dress at yet another wedding reception, bringing her tally of total wedding dresses to four and wedding reception dresses to six (at least, that’s what we can figure out thus far).
Watch below to see the full look: