
Michelle Obama Looks Gorgeous In Florals For Her Visit to Morocco

She is making a difference AND looking the part!
I’m sorry, I can’t identify this person.

Michelle Obama is currently touring Morocco for her Let Girls Learn program, aiming to help young girls around the world get an education.


She arrived in a gorgeous floral dress to meet Morocco’s Princess Lalla Salma, sand said that she’s travelling with her mother and two daughters, the ‘special girl-power unit’ of the Obama household.

But they weren’t the only people up Michelle Obama’s sleeve in the girl-power squad – she brought Meryl Streep and Freida Pinto with her to talk on a panel discussion with local girls about education. She wore another beautiful floral dress, looking and sounding the part as First Lady.


“Those 62 million girls who are not being educated around the world impact my life in Washington, D.C. Because if we aren’t empowering and providing the skills and the resources to half of our population, then we’re not realizing our full potential as a society, as mankind,” Obama said. “So we have to change those notions that girls are only valuable for their reproductive capacity, or their ability to do manual labor. We need every one of our citizens, boys and girls, to be educated and involved and empowered.”

She has recently been to Liberia to promote her message and is also heading to Spain.


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