Ginger and Smart 2016 โ Runway
A model walks the runway during the Ginger and Smart show.

Ginger and Smart 2016 โ Runway
A model walks the runway during the Ginger and Smart show.

Ginger and Smart 2016 โ Runway
A model walks the runway during the Ginger and Smart show.

Ginger and Smart 2016 โ Runway
A model walks the runway during the Ginger and Smart show.

Ginger and Smart 2016 โ Runway
A model walks the runway during the Ginger and Smart show.

Ginger and Smart 2016 โ Runway
A model walks the runway during the Ginger and Smart show.

Ginger And Smart 2016
Alexandra and Genevieve Smart thank the audience during their show at Carriageworks for MBFWA.

Ginger And Smart 2016 โ Backstage
Backstage at the Ginger and Smart MBFWA runway show, this model poses with resort hat.

Ginger and Smart 2016 โ Front Row
Anna Heinrich looks elegant in blue in the front row of the Ginger and Smart show at Carriageworks.

Ginger And Smart 2016 โ Front Row
Kate Peck pulls together a graphic ensemble with black shoes and bright red lipstick.