
The 3 Pieces Every Woman Should Own By Age 30

A good excuse to hit the shops

Spring is finally here and with it comes the opportunity to revamp your wardrobe for the warmer season. Here, the designers behind Melbourne-based label F L A T I R O N, Penny Duggan and Sam Scally, talk us through the trends this summer, the pieces every woman should own by age 30 and how to get out of a style rut. 


What made you both decide to start a fashion label?

The label started as a passion project on the side for Sam which she was showcasing to loyal clientele in salon-style sessions while we ran our successful interior styling business. When this beautiful flatiron building came up in Kew, we saw this as a perfect platform for our carefully sourced pieces and the F L A T I R O N label. The reaction to the label could not be ignored so when Sam asked me to join her in designing the range, it was an easy decision. We have now taken the F L A T I R O N label to the next level by staying true to our style which our loyal and clientele have grown to trust.

Was working together – and in fashion – always a dream of yours?

Working together has always been a  natural progression for us. We have worked together for years on various styling and design projects and now with the F L A T I R O N label. We seem to complement each other in our approach to design and business. When you recognise your differences, you keep evolving. Our dual style sensibilities form one fixed vision, to deliver strong, contemporary high-quality fashion that The FLATIRON Label client demands and deserves. 

flatiron designers
Penny Duggan and Sam Scally

For someone who doesn’t know FLATIRON, could you please describe the brand ethos?

Our clientele are a constant source of inspiration for us. Our customers relay stories of being complimented on their pieces. This humble, increasingly growing word-of-mouth message encourages us to stay true to our style, keep the range genuine, subtle, and yet outstanding.  

Our aim is for our client to always leave the store with an informed purchase full of versatility and longevity, and our design process can be formed by each and every customer encounter. 


Who is the FLATIRON woman?

Our women are mature, confident, intelligent, they know their style and are educated about fashion and this industry. The woman who wears F L A T I R O N shares our values, knows real fashion, not fast fashion and is invested in this.

We work hard to bring them high quality, classic pieces that raise a brow in the street. We know they will be worn with quiet confidence not brash showy fanfare. Understand and a vehicle to express her innate style that is appreciated by those who share that flare.


The warmer months are fast approaching, what trends do you think will prevail this summer? 

We are careful not to follow trends too closely as our pieces are designed for longevity and multi-seasonal. We always approach the design process by asking ourselves what we would like in our wardrobe for the season. Having said that, we are continuing with our signature exaggerated sleeves, our frayed ruffle skirts and we are excited to introduce a range of great dresses with emphasis always being on wearability and clever design in a range of silks, cool cottons and linens. 

What are three pieces from your spring/summer collection you think will be popular this summer?

Our dresses are simple but will always have our signature quality and dramatic twist. Our ruffle skirt is a proven staple for the summer wardrobe  


What are the three pieces every woman should own by age 30?

Above all.. an understanding of their personal style and who they are, and the ability to navigate all that is out there while remaining true to their style. But it wouldn’t hurt to have:

  • A collection of quality white Tees
  • A good quality jacket 
  • Accessories collected from travelling trawelling and spoiling yourself 

Who do you both look to for style inspiration?


We are from a family of four girls. We look to one another for style inspiration. Our mother, being a beautiful seamstress in her time, always designed and made our clothes. Ultimately, she has made a huge impact on us. We have vivid memories of  patiently sitting under the tables at our local fabric store while she leafed through pattern books 

What are three tips for getting out of a style rut?

Going out and buying a new wardrobe will not get you out of a style rut. Women with style know who they are and what they stand for. Fashion is such a reflection of everything that you are, even when you don’t think it is.

Your hairstyle may need an update. Moving on from that same jean style you have had for eight years, or the same style of accessories, that predictable season in season out wardrobe and colour palette.


Once you are prepared with an open mind and the confidence to embrace a new look, choose someone you trust and are inspired by to help you make the right choices. 

Style is confidence, being true to yourself, not blindly replicating a look but interpreting all that you see and expressing yourself honestly.

When you are ready to get that updated wardrobe ensure you invest in key classic pieces that will enable you to build a wardrobe that has longevity and accurately reflects your style. All this will enable you to wear your clothes, not your clothes wearing you.

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