
Everything You Need To Know Before Tinting Your Eyebrows

This is what to expect

Blame it on original brow queen Cara Delevingne, but bold, brushed-up arches are going nowhere. And the best way to give your natural brows a believable boost is eyebrow tinting โ€“ the heavy-handed, overdrawn โ€˜Insta-browโ€™ need not apply.


โ€œBrow tinting is addictive!โ€ enthuses Benefit Cosmetics Australia national brow artist Hannah Mutze. โ€œAs they say, once you go black (or brown, or blonde or whatever colour you tint) you never go back!โ€ 

Considering a tint yourself? This is what you need to know.

RELATED: The Biggest Brow Mistake Women Makes 

Eyebrow tinting benefits


If youโ€™re looking to fake fullness, brow tinting is your best friend. โ€œYour brows look instantly thicker as the tint darkens the finer, lighter hairs within and surrounding the brows,โ€ explains Mutze. โ€œMost often this added brow definition works to frame and lift the face and makes the eyes appear brighter and more open!โ€ Since youโ€™re tinting existing hairs (and initially, the skin beneath them too), thereโ€™s no risk of looking OTT โ€“ youโ€™re simply enhancing whatโ€™s there already.

lucy hale eyebrows
Lucy Hale (Credit: Getty)

The process

Brow tinting is simply an add-on to your usual wax and shape โ€“ at a Benefit BrowBar, the whole process takes 15 minutes. Itโ€™s pain-free, and nowhere near as intensive as eyelash tinting. There are also eyebrow tinting kits on the market for a DIY approach, but we recommend sticking to the experts, as they can custom-match the colour to suit you.


Who suits eyebrow tinting?

In a word: everybody. โ€œOnce upon a time, brow tinting was one colour fits all and this did scare a lot of people away,โ€ Mutze says. โ€œBut now, just like semi-permanent hair colour, brow tint colour is completely customisable to suit the individual.โ€ Even those with dark brows can benefit from a tint to create definition and shape, while lighter brows โ€œwill love the deeper shade a tint brings,โ€ according to Mutze.

When to avoid brow tinting


A word to the wise: donโ€™t book your brows and your spray tan on the same day. โ€œThose who have a fake-tanned face should avoid tinting their brows as the tint tends to stain the skin a lot more than normal,โ€ cautions Mutze. โ€œTry having your brows tinted at least 24-hours before tanning for best results.โ€ That aside, eyebrow tinting is for everyone.

What else you can try

Tinting or not, every womanโ€™s brow kit should contain a pencil matched to their brow colour, a clear gel to keep hairs in shape and a wax or pomade kit for added definition and colour. See three of our favourites above. 

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