Elsa Pataky Uses This $80 Skincare Tool To Help Achieve Her Radiant, Flawless Skin

She talks to marie claire about how her skincare brand helped her master her complexion.

Ever wanted to know what actor and mother-of-three Elsa Pataky does to keep her skin and body in peak condition? Well, marie claire Beauty Director Sally Hunwick goes to Byron Bay to find out all the details—including must-have skin beauty tool that Pataky uses every morning.

Sally Hunwick: Where did the idea for your new skincare line Purely Byron come from?

Elsa Pataky: The idea for Purely Byron started when I moved to Byron Bay. I felt that immediate connection with this amazing place. Its natural beauty, its spirit and sense of community. There was just something amazing about it.  

Purley Byron
Elsa Pataky

SH: Have you always been passionate about skincare?

EP: I’m passionate about skincare and natural ingredients, so [launching Purely Byron Skincare] had started getting into my head. I discovered all the botanicals that Byron has here, which are so powerful and so interesting. And then I met these two amazing professional women who helped me put it together. Purely Byron has all natural ingredients and is created with native botanicals that we discovered here in Byron. [The formulations are] 98% natural and all locally made.

SH: The range is also really good for the planet…

EP: Caring for the environment [with recyclable packaging made from recycled materials] was one of the most important things for us. I think we need to do as much as we can to help the planet, so from the beginning it was key for the brand.

It was also very important for us to give back to this community that inspires us. We use all sustainable practices. Even the little bowl, which we use for the clay mask is locally made using local clay. It’s those little details.

SH: When you launch a new brand, it can be hard to pick a favourite. But do you have any front-runners?

EP: I do have my favourites. The balm (Purely Byron Divine Ritual Balm, $80) is one of my favourites. I love it. The ritual [with the derma roller] which comes before the balm is amazing. It’s recommended to do this ritual twice a week and it’s so good.

Purley Byron

SH: You have amazing skin. What do you do to keep it looking so great?

EP: I cleanse my skin thoroughly every day so that I have really clean skin. Then I roll the Purely Byron derma roller (Purely Bryon Derma Roller, $100) [over my face. I do it three times, up, down and then side to side at night-time. You need to do it at night-time because it has micro needles which make your skin a little bit pink. It’s so invigorating and toning for the skin. Then I apply the Purely Byron Balm. It has an amazing texture, it’s like a hug for your skin.

I put the balm on Chris and he loved the smell. I said, “You’re going to love this, you’re going to love this.” The balm is good for men. They can leave it on probably for 10 minutes, then they might want to take it off.

SH: Has your skincare routine changed over the years?

EP: I have always kept my skincare routine very simple. I haven’t done much to my skin. It’s true that when you’re young, you try all kind of things. You put all kind of masks [and other products on] but with time you know what it works for you. You start knowing your skin and what is good for it. My basics are just always cleanse my skin every night, even if I get home late. Then moisturise always, always before I go to bed, and every morning. That’s been my basics my whole life. I would never go out without my moisturizer and my sunscreen now here.

When you’re a mum with babies, you just don’t have time anymore, so it’s really hard. Now, I think with the kids getting a little bit older, I feel like I have more time for myself to do [things like skincare] rituals. You have to think “Oh, this is my time. I’m just going to use this. I’m going to enjoy this moment.” I think all mums deserve a bit of time to themselves.

Purley Byron

SH: I love your new sculpting tool. How do you like to use it?

EP: I put it (Purely Byron Divine Ritual Face Sculptor, $80) in the fridge so it’s cold [and de-puffing] in the morning. It’s beautiful.

SH: You live in such a beautiful part of the world. So when do you feel your most beautiful?

EP: I feel more beautiful in the natural moments when I’m doing my hobbies, my passions. I feel so happy that I think that’s what brings it all out, when you’re not stressed and you have those moments for yourself. I’m passionate about horse riding, so I love doing that. Or the moments with my family; watching TV with my kids or I don’t know, doing yoga. Those little moments.

SH: Do you have any makeup products that you just wear every day?

EP: I can’t live without mascara. I just feel sleepy when I don’t have it on. And I have a cream cheek colour that I just use it for my cheeks and for my lips. Those are the essentials I want to always have in the morning and in my purse.

Purley Byron

SH: What about your hair?  Do you do anything special?

EP: I have no time for my hair [laughs]. My hair is pretty straight, so I don’t have to do anything, and there is nothing you can do [anyway] with the humidity so it’s preferable to just leave it natural.

SH: You look incredible in Interceptor, which is now out on Netflix. How do you like to stay in shape?

EP: I’ve been always been really into fitness. I like doing gym or yoga, either the gym or just at home, whatever I have. I’ve been doing more lately, because I worked really hard for the movie to just get really strong. I really felt all the changes in my body. The weights really tone your muscles and your body to keep everything strong. With age, everything feels like [shrugs]… it’s gravity.

Getty Images (Credit: Interceptor)

SH: Damn that gravity…

EP: Exactly. Turn that gravity off! I love the endorphins [you get from working out]. Even when I’m in a low energy, working out gives me that power to just go through the day. It makes me feel really good. It makes me happy. I do that at least three times a week if I can. It’s just finding the moments, even though sometimes we get busy, it’s just like, “Okay, just half an hour.”

SH: Well, you’re on the cover of marie claire June issue and you look phenomenal. All that strength work is clearly paying off. The YSL top is next level.

EP: It looks so good. I’m so happy.

SH: Life as a working mother starring in an action film and launching a skincare brand must be stressful, yet you look serene. How do you like to unwind?

EP:  Meditation helps a lot when I am really stressed. Taking care of the kids and taking care of your husband and taking care of yourself; it’s just so stressful. I have started painting with my daughter and I feel like it’s a kind of a meditation. In the last holidays, we just sat and painted. I think it’s such a good thing to find your passion. It takes my mind a little bit from all that craziness.

Elsa Pataky’s Purely Byron Skincare is currently available to shop on their website here.

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