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Jameela Jamil Calls Out Kim Kardashian’s “Damaging And Disappointing” Corset Post

"It’s problematic, reductive and irresponsible for her to perpetuate such a heavily impossible beauty standard"

Jameela Jamil has never been one to shy away from calling out celebrities and their posts that present a damaging imagine to the young women that follow them, especially the Kardashian sisters. Her most recent warning is targeted towards Kim Kardashian West after she posted a video of herself dressed in a corset to Instagram. 


In the original post, the 39-year-old Keeping Up With The Kardashians star showed off her smaller-than-ever waist in a Mr. Pearl corset, and Jamil admitted she needed to take her time to respond to the video. 

“I’ve received over 1000 DMs asking me to address this,” she started. “The reason I didn’t jump on it immediately isn’t because I don’t think the post was damaging and disappointing. I do. It’s because the fact that you’re all messaging me about it, shows my work is done. I havent been trying to cancel Kim K. I was always trying to arm YOU with the knowledge to recognize for YOURSELVES that this is a bullshit expectation of women, developed by the patriarchy. If YOU know that it’s problematic, reductive and irresponsible for her to perpetuate such a heavily impossible beauty standard to her impressionable fans…then you’re empowered and conscious and don’t need me.” 

“Kim, like many of us, has had decades of body image issues and obsession,” Jamil continued. “This has been HEAVILY perpetuated by how much the media scrutinised her and her sisters over their appearances. She isn’t actively trying to harm you. She’s just so harmed and deluded into thinking this is what SHE needs to look like to be special and beautiful and she’s spilling it out onto her following. Is this wrong? YES. But I’m not sure she realises that she’s doing to others what her idols did to her, in making her think a tiny waist is the key to femininity and sex appeal. We grew up in the era of Heroin Chic, where we were told you HAD to look like an addict starving to death, so to go from being bullied about your body by the world? This toxicity from someone who is smart and knows better, is a sign that this is harm she can’t stop doing,” she continued.


Jamil added that there was no point “screaming at her”, detailing that the smart thing to do is to “protect yourself.” 

“YOU have the power. YOU control every Market. YOU choose what and who is trendy. Unfollow the people who tell you things that hurt your self esteem. Don’t let the debris of their damage spill out onto you. Unfollow people/brands that don’t make you feel powerful and happy and grateful for what you have. You’re the boss and none of them are shit without you. THE PATRIARCHY WANTS US TO FOCUS ON OUR WEIGHT INSTEAD OF POWER, EQUALITY AND PSYCHOLOGICAL FREEDOM. FUCK ANYONE WHO ENCOURAGES THIS. BLOCK. MUTE. DELETE. REPEAT. Follow activists, writers, artists and comedians instead❤️”

This isn’t the first time the body activist has fired back at the Kardashian family for promoting what she believes to be unattainable standards of beauty through their sponsored social media posts and content. Last year, Jamil blasted Khloe Kardashian for a now-deleted post promoting Flat Tea Tummy shakes, writing: “If you’re too irresponsible to: a) own up to the fact that you have a personal trainer, nutritionist, probable chef, and a surgeon to achieve your aesthetic, rather than this laxative product…And b) tell them the side effects of this NON-FDA approved product, that most doctors are saying aren’t healthy […] then I guess I have to.”


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