
Could Washing Your Face With Sparkling Water Be The Secret To Perfect Skin?

Time to order the San Pellegrino in bulk

You might want to apologise to your wallets in advance as it seems washing your face with sparkling water is more than just another luxury beauty fad, but the facial cleansing hack to flawless skin.


While dipping your face in a bowl of La Croix may seem like the kind of thing Miranda Priestly would do, the ‘fizzy face cleanse’ has been popularized in Japan and South Korea and is based in facts.

Carbonated water versus your stock standard tap water

So why wash your face with sparkling water instead of tap? Washing your face with carbonated water brings with it some added benefits. Tap water has a pH of 7, while sparkling has a pH of 5.5, the exact same pH as your skin meaning it won’t irritate your face.


Another reason why bubbly water is better for that overall clean is that the bubbles help break up the dirt and oil that clogs your pores, meaning your clean will be a whole lot deeper and you’ll be less likely to break out.

And in case you needed more convincing, CO2 increases blood circulation in your face, which will give you healthier looking skin.

So how would one wash their face in sparkling water?



Splash your face with sparkling water

Cleanse your face as usual

Wash off the face cleanser with the bubbly water


Then dab your face dry with a towel

It should be said that dermatologists don’t recommend washing your face with sparkling water everyday, because like an overly pampered princess, your skin will get used to the royal treatment and seriously flare up when it gets hit with that regular tap water.

So go buy a nice big bottle of sparkling and treat yourself to a very special face wash tonight – you’ve earnt it.


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