
Dior Is About To Launch Their First Fragrance In 19 Years

With Jennifer Lawrence, no less

When somethingโ€™s 19 years in the making, you know itโ€™s going to be good: especially when that little something is a brand new perfume by none other than Dior.


As if our anticipation levels werenโ€™t high enough already, the launch is shrouded in secrecy: we canโ€™t even give you a name, let alone fragrance notes, but what we can tell you is that Jennifer Lawrence has been signed as the official campaign face. 

The new juice has been created by the houseโ€™s perfumer-creator Franรงois Demachy (the nose behind the sublimely scented Jโ€™Adore) and, according to Dior, will โ€œmark the beginning of a new era for fragrance.โ€

jennifer lawrence new dior fragrance launch
(Credit: Dior)

Watch this space for details.


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