Why A Facial Steamer Should Be Your Next Beauty Investment

Here’s the lowdown on facial steaming and which personal steamers make the cut
Georgia Fowler posed here bare faced is our complexion goals. We're face steaming our way to comparable perfection.Instagram

It seems like everyone and their mum has an eight-step skincare routine. Acids, tretinoin, masks, essences – we’re always looking for the next breakout-busting, radiance-boosting beauty trend.  Over the last few years, a new at-home beauty hack has emerged: face steaming. Currently the tag “Face Steamer”  features in 14.7 million posts on TikTok with the at-home skincare trend gaining traction amongst skincare devotees. Professionals in spas and clinics have long used the technique as a quick way to prep skin pre-facial to open pores and infuse hydration – and now it’s possible to do it from home. Steaming your face is a tried-and-true method to unclog your pores, soften skin, and get the glow you’ve always wanted.

The Benefits of Steaming Your Face

1. It Cleanses And Unclogs Your Pores

When your skin is exposed to heat or steam, your pores open up. This makes it easier to get rid of trapped oil, dirt, or sebum. Whether you’re removing blackheads or just trying to get a deeper cleanse, steaming your face is the right way to go.

2. It Softens And Hydrates Your Skin

Steam is just basically hot water vapour that soothes and moisturises your face. Plus, steam promotes healthy oil production to prevent your skin from drying out.

3. It Prevents Nasty Breakouts

While it shouldn’t be the only solution to your pimple problems, steaming your face can be an easy and effective treatment for acne. Dead skin, oil, dirt, and other gunk can get trapped in your skin, allowing acne-causing bacteria to grow. Opening up your pores makes it much easier to get rid of impurities and stop acne once and for all. Follow your steam with your favourite acne fighting cleanser and you’ll be well on your way to a clear complexion. 

4. It Prepares Your Skin For Your Routine

If you’re spending money on skincare, you’ll want to get the most bang out of your buck. Steaming your face is a great first step to an effective routine. Open pores and hydrated skin absorb products much better. You’ll be maximising the benefits of your expensive cleansers, masks and creams with the addition of one quick step.

5. It Gives You A Long-Term Boost

Facial steaming increases blood circulation to your face, which comes with a whole host of beauty-boosting benefits. Think of the post-run glow you get when your blood has been pumping: better circulation can means your skin gets more oxygen, which can promote the production of collagen and elastin.

How To Steam Your Face

There are tons of different ways to steam your face at home. The three common methods are:

1. Using Hot Water In A Sink Or Bowl

This method is the easiest and most accessible of the three, but it’s also the least effective. All you have to do is boil several cups of water with the herbs or oils of your choice. When the water is sufficiently hot, you hold your face six inches above the water. Steam your face for five to ten minutes, taking breaks as needed.

2. Using Warm Towels

Warm towels are another method of steaming your face with items you already have at home. The biggest problem with using warm towels is that you may accidentally overheat your face which can damage your skin if you aren’t careful — so tread with caution. 

Boil some water with herbs or oils. Soak a towel (big enough to cover your face) in the hot water. Wring out the towel so that it is damp, but not soaking wet. While reclining or lying down, place the towel over your face. Then leave on for five minutes or so.

3. Using A Facial Steamer 

Facial steamers are specially designed to deliver the right amount of steam for the right amount of time. This prevents over or under-steaming, so you can maximise the benefits and minimise the risk.

Set up your facial steamer per the instructions. Wait for a few minutes while it warms up. Place the steamer on a nearby table and put your face several inches over the steamer. Steam for a few minutes, giving yourself breaks in between, to test out how your skin responds to the steamer.


No matter which method you use, remember to thoroughly wash your face with a gentle cleanser prior to steaming. Steam only once a week for a maximum of 10 minutes per session. Any more and you could damage your skin. You should also consult with a dermatologist if you have skin concerns like severe acne, eczema, or rosacea before steaming your face.

Steaming Your Face At Home Versus Professional Face Steamers

Estheticians usually steam your face right before a facial. Of course, getting it done by a professional is always better – they use better equipment, can infuse oxygen or other antibacterial treatments, and know exactly how much steam you need. But going to a professional can be pricey.

With an at-home steamer, you can still reap the benefits at a much lower cost. The best ones are surprisingly very effective, affordable, and accessible – you can buy them online or even find them at your local Target or Kmart.

The Best Facial Steamers You Can Shop in 2024

The Homedics face steamer features an adjustable nozzle and mirrored surface allow for precision steaming, for instance, if you only want to target blackheads on your nose or forehead.


Homedics Facial Sauna

$ 144.26 at Amazon

Best for: Portability

The Homedics Nano Facial Steamer helps improve skin tone and texture. High-tech, it uses nano-sized steam particles and negatively charged ions for deeper skin penetration. The adjustable nozzle and mirrored surface allow for precision steaming, for instance, if you only want to target blackheads on your nose or forehead. And, it’s temperature controlled for optimum safety (you couldn’t overdo it if you wanted to). The water tank is also detachable, meaning you can empty it out and carry it with you if you’re in transit!

Colours: White | Materials: Plastic



Vivid Deep CLeanse Facial Steamer Home Sauna

$39.55 at Dick Smith

Best for: a full face

This face steamer puts you in the driver’s seat with adjustable controls, and a custom facial mask, face cover and nose cover. The large opening means some steam will escape, which allows you to target a wider area easily. The brands suggests adding your favourite essential oil to the vaporiser for a genuine spa experience.

Colours: Lavender | Materials: Plastic


Panasonic Ionic Steamer Facial Sauna

from $279.13 at Amazon

Best for: A deep clean

The Panasonic Spa-Quality Nano Ionic Facial Steamer may be pricey, but that’s because it uses advanced technology to turn water into nano steam particles. These particles are smaller than regular steam particles, so they can better moisturise, purify, and detoxify your skin.

Colours: White and rose gold| Materials: Plastic


Dr. Dennis Gross Skincare Pro Facial Steamer

$452.08 at Net-A-Porter

Best for: A personalised experience

Ready to splurge? Celebrity dermatologist and doctor to the stars Dennis Gross is back at it with another flawless product. This product will work wonders on your pores and dial up your glow. The steamer features two heat settings: low for dry and sensitive skin and warmer for normal to oily skin. This steamer uses ultrasonic technology to turn water into micro-particles to better cleanse your skin, providing deep hydration in just ten minutes. Plus, the interior has an antibacterial coating to prevent bacteria build-up.

Sizes: One size | Colours: White and gold | Materials: Plastic

The white and rose gold colour will look great on your nightstand and the small nozzle releases a diffused spurt of steam that covers the whole face. An affordable at-home facial.


Kmart Facial Steamer

$29 at Kmart

Best for: Affordability

If you want to dip your toes into the world of facial steaming, and save money on your trips to the spa? This five-star rated option from Kmart is a great place to get started. The white and rose gold colour will look great on your nightstand and the small nozzle releases a diffused spurt of steam that covers the whole face. An affordable at-home facial.

Colours: White and rose gold | Materials: Plastic

Is A Face Steamer Worth It?

Steaming your face may be an extra step in your skincare routine, but it’s more than worth it. In as little as five minutes, you can remove impurities, moisturise your skin, prevent acne, and make the most out of your skincare products.

What Are the Benefits Of A Face Steamer?

The benefits of a professional face steamer vs steaming your face with hot towels or over bowls primarily come down to safety. Most face steamers you’ll purchase from a retailer are safety tested with temperature controls that help you avoid over-steaming your face. Not to mention, they cause less of a mess!

Is A Face Steamer Safe?

Overall, face steaming is safe and has many benefits, particularly if you’re using a professional device. However, it’s important to follow expert advice. If you suffer from a skin condition like acne, rosacea, or eczema, check in with your specialist before adding any device to your at-home routine. Furthermore, ensure you limit face steaming to once a week to avoid the risk of overheating your skin. Overexposure to heat can cause broken capillaries and skin dryness.

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