
8 Of The Best Facial Razors To Farewell Peach Fuzz And Say Hello To Glowy, Radiant Skin

You can thank us later.

For any skincare savant, noticing (the completely natural and healthy) peach fuzz that resides all over the face feels like a rite of passage.


And while, yes, said ‘fuzz’ is definitely normal, many have taken to the process of shaving their face in an effort to replicate the dermaplanning process at home. When it comes to regularly shaving the face, it’s a much more popular skincare trend than many may think. From celebrity skin therapist Kate Somerville to Elizabeth Taylor and Marilyn Munroe, the exfoliating trend has been around for decades.

But why? Well, other than eliminating pesky peach fuzz, facial shaving also offers a light exfoliation by taking off the top layer of dead skin cells. As a result, skin tone and texture may be evened, skincare products can absorb more efficiently, applying makeup will be smoother and, according to its fans, it even offers anti-ageing benefits.

Before you pick up your standard, in-shower razor, think again. When it comes to shaving your face, a one-bladed razor is your best option. Slightly tilt the blade at a 45-degree angle, and gently stroke against the hair—in a downward motion—on dry skin and watch as the hair falls away.


As for whether the hair will grow back thicker or darker? It’s important to note that hair regrowth and texture are up to your genetics, and no razor in the world can alter that, meaning that your hair will regrow at the same thickness and texture as it was when removed—now, release that sigh of relief.

For those concerned about cuts and nicks, fret not, because this is where face razors come in handy. Shaving and dermaplanning tools are made for said delicate work, which means that causing a bleed on your face is rather rare.

The Best Face Razors For Women To Buy In Australia

Ready for some hair removal? Below, we’ve rounded up the best face razors to eliminate peach fuzz and promote radiance. 


Face Defuzzers by Revlon, $12.95 at Myer.

Nära Safety Razor

Nära Safety Face and Body Razor, $55 at Adore Beauty.

Face Razors

Eco-Friendly Dermaplanner 12 pack by Kitsch, $14 at ASOS.

Flawless Dermaplanner

Finishing Touch Facial Hair Remover by FLAWLESS, $39.99 at Priceline.

Face razors

Precision Eyebrow Razors by Brushworks, $10 at Beauty Bay.


Electric Mini Facial Hair Remover by Braun, $38.63 at Myer.

Face Razors

Super Smooth Facial and Brow Razor by MCOBeauty, $12.95 at Showpo.

Face Razor

Hydro Silk Perfect Finish Kit by Schick, $39.99 at Chemist Warehouse.


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