Entertainment Even The ‘Game of Thrones’ Actors Didn’t Like How The Series Ended From Emilia Clarke to Lena Headey
Celebrity Sophie Turner Admits She And Joe Jonas Secretly Split Just Before Their Wedding "It was the worst day of our lives"
Entertainment Sansa Stark Destroyed Edmure Tully In The ‘Game of Thrones’ Finale "Uncle, please sit" is the new "Bye Felicia"
Entertainment Fans Think They Know Where Drogon Took Daenerys In The ‘Game of Thrones’ Finale It'll break your heart
Entertainment Twitter Noticed That Robin Arryn Glowed Up In The ‘Game of Thrones’ Finale Well hello, Lord of the Eyrie
Entertainment ‘Game of Thrones’ Fans Have Lots Of Thought’s About Drogon’s Big Moment Um, when did he learn to think critically?